want to lose 15lb!

so I've been on fitness pal for awhile, but I'm not making the progress I want to be. this is due to extra snacks - boredom eating/eating when I'm too tired to resist.
I'm trying to keep my sugar to around 50g which seems really hard......even an apple seems to have a load of sugar. plus i got some rice cakes in my shop today, from click and collect, and i realised that tesco had substituted normal rice cakes for caramel ones, and they have 8g of sugar each! sometimes it seems a losing battle (esp cos i love chocolate) but I'm determined to lose and maintain my weight and get into consistent healthy habits.


  • SalsaGirl636
    SalsaGirl636 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey....how are you going? I want to lose about 10 to 14 pounds....Been on here a couple if weeks and been doing loads of exercise and really good recording food (Barring 2 days off)....and very little is happening....i think my 46 years might have something to do with it but I am mega frustrated....!
  • bluetops
    bluetops Posts: 4 Member
    it can get frustrating can't it i hope you see some results soon! i really want to be in better shape for the summer xx