
I feel trapped. I have lost so much weight, like 55-60 lbs, but now I am obsessed with calories and can't stop counting. I need to know the calories in anything I eat, will only be okay with eating something if it's the lowest calorie version of it, plan my days around calories, etc. I can't even go out to a restaurant with friends or family that I don't know the nutrition for. I feel trapped because I feel like every day once I hit a certain calorie limit I'm done and feel so limited all the time. I don't usually have time to work out. I want to let myself know that it's okay to sometimes pass my maintenance calories, but can't convince myself. How do I do this? I'm 109-116 lbs on any given day and 5'7", so my maintenance is relatively low. I'm on vacation right now and can't seem to get the idea that I must stay at maintence calories out of my head. Basically how do I get passed it, stop worrying about knowing the calories in everything and just enjoy despite going over the limit for a couple of days.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Obsessive thoughts are not good. Can you see a therapist when get back home?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You're probably going to need to speak to a professional, especially since you're now underweight
  • Kohanai
    Kohanai Posts: 172 Member
    edited April 2018
    I wish I could say something different, but you need to speak to a professional. See a therapist or a nutritionist. This isn't something that can continue, because you are maintaining something that is not healthy.

    For now though, just understand that what happens in the short term will not affect what happens in the long term. Enjoy your vacation. You've done the hard thing by asking for advice. Now, just enjoy your time away. When you get back home, make some phone calls.