My story so far

Well started off at 334.1 now I’m down to roughly about 304. I would like to get under 300 soon. I try my best to stick to my goal of calories. I I try to burn at least a 1000 calories on the stair climber and a few hundred on the tread mill every day. Any extra help would be appreciated


  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    You are doing great!! It sounds like you will meet that goal soon!!
  • OncologyChick
    OncologyChick Posts: 236 Member
    Great job!! You are on the right path.
    But is your goal to burn at least a 1000 calories on the stair climber (and a few hundred on the tread mill) every day not a bit too much?? It's good to have a goal. It's even better to have a reachable goal! This will help you to stick to it.
    If you aim for goals that might be too high, you can get dissapointed and stop exercising or calorie counting at all....

    Try to stay within your calorie goal and exercise as much as you like and can do every day. Even if that means burning "only" 100 or 200 kcal. Do as you like, that way you can stick to your plan more easily. And it is more fun that way!

    Good luck
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Sounds like you are off to a great start! Just make sure you build in some rest days, resting allows for muscle repair and is a very important part of any exercise routine. Don't want to set yourself up for injury!

    ~best wishes on your journey