Need motivation tips/ advice

I'm 20 years old
5 feet 5 inches
And i weigh 172 pounds.

I've always been chubby but my highest was 195
And for a while i worked very hard and got down to 165.
It's been a couple years and I've gotten lazy, i eat out, don't move enough
And it's crept back up to 172.

And honestly I've forgotten how to be motivated and try.
My goal has always been to be in the 140s
But i never got there.

Now im truly ready again
And would appreciate some tips and advice if anyone has any!!!


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited April 2018
    Lift weights, stay at a caloric deficit, be consistent. That's it! Not always easy, but very simple.

    I find that if I prep foods beforehand, I'm much less likely to make boneheaded food choices.
  • thelettermegan
    thelettermegan Posts: 49 Member
    The thing that worked for me was falling in love with vegetables and finding a very supportive fitness studio.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Keep a food diary. Track everyday no matter. The process is more important than the numbers.