I missed the feeling of exercise

Yesterday morning was the first time in a few months that I actually exercised!! It felt amazing!! I went for a morning run and did a full body circuit workout. I felt extremely good after. Anyone else feel great starting your new journey?? Anyone have suggestions on good exercises I can do at home?


  • KaleiAlanaSmith
    KaleiAlanaSmith Posts: 133 Member
    Me!!! It feels so good - exercise high!! I’m on week 9 now and I’m still obsessed! Working out is a habit and I love it. For my workouts I usually get them off of Pinterest !
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    I hate not exercising. Even on holidays/vacations I’ll get in early morning runs and take some kind of gym equipment ... body and head just feels lethargic and wrong if I don’t push it for a bit
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    First off congrats, keep it up.

    Beachbody stuff is good for all around fitness, thats what got me going again. 21 day fix is supposed to be good, but has an excellent diet plan, with containers that make it easy. I did the Hammer and Chisel which is combo of male trainer and the same female trainer but includes her diet. Thats what got me into researching my diet more seriously. I think guys can benefit from female workouts, and the girls can benefit from guy workouts. Overall Beach Body like P90x3 has of alot of 30min workouts which is what I'm looking for. High intensity, lots of variation, cardio, strength, yoga, balance, agility, but 30 min. Not trying to give a sales pitch, I'm not associated, you asked and I am fan of their material its really comprehensive and now have online streaming, its not free though. :(

    I also did a routine recently from MensHealth called Body Weight Builders its a body weight only interval routine.. Anyone can do it not just for guys. its starts easy and builds up and it does get intense if you take it there. You can keep pushing your limits on your own terms. Its all interval training. Its phenomenal for strength, balance, range of motion. Body Weight Only, Push ups, pull ups, Squats, Glute Bridges, Hand Stands, Burpees, Off balance variations, repeat and loop. Its really good if you don't have weights, but you do need a pull up bar and some kind step up table or box.

    As for me, I've been solid working out for about a year and half and going strong, just started getting for real serious about my diet and so I'm having fun cooking lately.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    There is no feeling quite like it. I am on week 8 of my c25k app and I get excited to get up and go running...even at 4:45 a.m. Once you make it a routine you feel almost lost without it. I'm so glad I'm back to running and working out. I missed it so much.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Yes it’s a great feeling. You sound very enthusiastic! Since you’re starting out, be careful to pace yourself, build up gradually, and not overdo too much too fast. These are the things that often lead to injury, fatigue, and overtraining, thus causing discouragement. Keep your eye on the long term goal!