Tracker Steps And/Or Exercise Log

Hello all! I'm new to this site and am loving it so far! I do have a question for all you experts out there. Forgive me if it's an obvious answer and I'm just missing it somewhere. I'm still getting used to manually entering my exercises and am unsure if my imported tracker steps/calories would cover my evening runs with my dog or if since my tracker picks that up as a seperate "exercise" if I should manually enter that info into the cardio section. Technically the steps/calories are accounted for by the auto import of information, so wouldn't logging it seperately as well be double dipping? This one is a little more confusing to me vs my strength training for example. Any and all opinions would be appreciated.


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    It is probably best to not log it seperately and be safe. I know for fitbit if you log the start time accurately, it will not double count. But, there are so many trackers out there these days I don't know if they have all of them set up well like that.