Switching to a more plant based diet.



  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    Just be careful with fiber not to do too much too soon. You don't want to be constipated. also with something like this, being on this site is the right move. You'll need a food diary, make notes. People can offer advice, but none of us can guess how your body is going to react. In general, if you are upping fiber you need make sure you are getting healthy fats and fruit to keep things moving thru system. But certain fruits can be an irritant so... keep track get ideas from your doc. Good Luck

    I think this is good advice. Drink lots (8+ cups) of water may help with constitution.

    It maybe helpful just to use a pen and paper notebook so you can write down not only what you eat, but times and how you felt as well. I think MFP has a way to do this but I personally find pen/paper easier. Whatever works for you.

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Fiber is a big nono with colitis
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    Only during a flare up.