ABS in one - Discuss



  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Depending on your genetics you may never see your abs. What is your bodyfat %/goal bodyfat %?

    that is a new one..

    so you are saying you can have 8% body fat and due to genetics, no six pack?

    I may be wrong here, but that is my understanding. Of course you will see some ab definition, but not a perfect six pack. Again, I read that somewhere and I can not recall where, so I could be totally wrong.
    If you get your body fat percentage down low enough your abdominal muscles are going to become pronounced. The majority of this is accomplished by managing your diet. Contrary to what others may tell you your effort in the gym is also a factor if you want to have really defined abs but the bulk of the work for this is accomplished in the kitchen.

    Your genetics might make your abs less symmetrical or each of the muscles might be slightly different in size compared to the next guy but no amount of genetic difference is going to make having abs impossible. You just have to put in the work and maintain your diet and you will get abs. Now once you have the abs you can't really change how much they look too much because they are what they are and that is genetic but they will still exist and if you eliminate the fat you will be able to see them.

    This is what I was thinking/trying to say.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    As my body fat percentage keeps getting lower my abs are becoming more visible which is encouraging for me because I used to have a very low body fat percentage and my abs were very defined. Back when I had my abs in the first place I remember thinking to myself how my six pack looked a little bit different from the other guys I worked out with but you know what. I was the only one to ever make that observation and when I told other people their response was "Shut up I wish I had a six pack."

    When it comes to the semantics like that I think we are our own worst critics. Everyone was looking at my six pack and thinking about how they wish they had worked on their own. I don't think anyone has ever looked at someone with a six pack and questioned why their muscles looked just a little bit different. These difference are so subtle I doubt anyone else ever notices.