Calories with lifting

Hello all,

I have been considering starting weight lifting but don't really know where to start. I still have 20lbs to lose but don't know if I should just stick to cardio to lose that before I start weight training or just start now. And if I do start weight training how many calories should I eat to still help lose those 20lbs?

My current stats are:

Height- 5'7"
Weight- 161
Age: 22
Goal Weight- 140

Please help me out!



  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    start now :D

    if you still have weight to lose, stay at deficit but maybe up the protein %age. this way you should maintain what muscle mass you have - you may even gain muscle at deficit for a few weeks as you're new to it (noobie gains).
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    How many calories would you suggest?