What was your finish line mindset?



  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    It took me almost a year to lose the last 5 pounds. It felt like it was never going to happen. It was tempting to just decide to stay a few pounds above my goal, but I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with that. I actually reached my maintenance weight during the week we were moving cross-country, so I was shocked to get on the scale and my new place and realize that I was there.

    I still track everything I eat, and I don't see myself ever being "done" with tracking. I just have a slightly higher calorie allowance now.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    I just started maintaining after a 20 lb loss. I ended up taking it a couple pounds under my initial goal, and I am still kindof deciding what to do next.

    The good thing is, THIS TIME I did not give up when I started to feel "close enough" to my original goal. Instead, I feel very empowered by the journey I've had here and I feel like I have the tools and information I need to maintain whatever weight I decide is best for me, whether it's where I am now, or a few pounds lower. Maybe that's arrogance, I have a whole 2 weeks of track record, but this "feels" different than other times. I am still logging everything and expect to for the indefinite future - at least a year or two. Knowing I can adjust, change goals, remake any decision I need to, is reassuring.

    I did get pretty afraid to kick it into maintenance, until threads like this one convinced me that maintenance was just like loss - plus one apple and some peanut butter, like @nowine4me says ;)
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    OP - cold, hard fact....there is no end. You just keep doing what you’re doing, but with a handful more calories.

    I added an apple and a serving of peanut butter. That’s it.

    This. I only got an extra 200 calories in maintenance. I learned that there's a huge difference between a 100 calorie breakfast and a 300 calorie breakfast, though.

  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    There is no finish line. Watching what you I eat is something youI'll have to do for the rest of your my life if you I don't want to regain the weight you I lost. You I can't go back to eating as you I did before or youI'll have the same results you I had before: getting fat. In order to maintain, you I need to incorporate the same tools you I used to lose weight - making good choices, exercising, balancing your my calories in and calories out.

    Fixed it for me!

    PAV, are you sure we were not separated at birth my friend! LOL