Trying this once again

amontoya68 Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I haven't been on got a few years. I gained 7 lbs and I need get it off. 7lbs doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. Any suggestions? I'm not looking to take it off over night, because I need yo take it off the right way. :)


  • Meldkro
    Meldkro Posts: 7 Member
    Stevia is a good sugar substitute.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Suggestions for what? MFP gave you a calorie goal to lose weight, you're supposed to stick to that by proper logging.
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    Just focus on swapping out elements of your diet with lower calorie options. If you drink soda, switch to water (or in the worst case diet soda), if you eat a lot of sweets try swapping one at a time with fruits. Try introducing more vegetables in your diet. Don't change everything at once, try changing one or two things every week and take note of how it makes you feel.

    Most importantly stick to your calorie target, try to meet your protein target and don't expect dramatic results right away :)