Intermittent fasting and curing an ED



    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I personally don't think anyone with ED tendencies should be IFing. Just asking for trouble IMO.

    This. If I remember correctly, I read on Leangains's website that people with any type of ED should NOT be going the IF route.

    This. I did a version of IF for weight loss and every single thing I read about IF (regardless of which version you go with), said NO if the person had a history with EDs.
  • TEAJAY13
    TEAJAY13 Posts: 19
    Im really unsure what IF is and how it works, But honestly it seems like you may still have alot of ED issues going on and I think you should get some more advice/help on how to deal with it. I have had an ED for a long time. Mine developed without even realising and even though now I cope I don't think I'll ever be completely without the ED thoughts on a bad day, its just now I realise what it is and how to deal with it.

    For me I had to go through a horrible process of realisation that the weight I was, wasn't sustainable on a normal diet and basically had to learn how to eat and exercise like a normal person before I could even consider a "diet" of any form.

    I see in your profile you want to be fit, healthy, strong. If you not fit and healthy mentally you'll always find it hard to be fit and healthy on the outside. MFP is an amazing tool, it has helped me realise you can eat so much more and still lose or maintain. Everyone here is amazing and here to help each other out. Wishing you all the best.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    Thank you for the replies. I just think I'm developing an ED not there yet but I could feel the obsession and paranoia about food I just needed a new lifestyle and new plan to keep me sane and not go down the dark ED path.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just to let you know, you can definitely still gain weight with an IF eating frequency. It is just a tad harder for most. However, I've found that I get used to much larger meals now and can easily eat above TDEE if I don't track.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    Just to let you know, you can definitely still gain weight with an IF eating frequency. It is just a tad harder for most. However, I've found that I get used to much larger meals now and can easily eat above TDEE if I don't track.

    Really? Even if I eat within calories? Or alternate between going over and under sometimes?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just to let you know, you can definitely still gain weight with an IF eating frequency. It is just a tad harder for most. However, I've found that I get used to much larger meals now and can easily eat above TDEE if I don't track.

    Really? Even if I eat within calories? Or alternate between going over and under sometimes?

    cals in vs out is what matters. If your TDEE is 2500 and you eat 3000 cals in a 2hr eating window, you will gain weight. If you are under some days and over on others and you are around TDEE for the week you will maintain weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1290 is NOT maintenance...
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Just to let you know, you can definitely still gain weight with an IF eating frequency. It is just a tad harder for most. However, I've found that I get used to much larger meals now and can easily eat above TDEE if I don't track.

    Really? Even if I eat within calories? Or alternate between going over and under sometimes?

    But you said...
    Thank you for the reply guys! I don't know but IF is kind of making me relaxed with food choices because I know it'll burn fat if I do it. I'm not underweight, I'm 5'3 113lbs. Just terrified to gain all the weight back so it's comforting to know that I can eat what I want within reason of course and not stress about counting calories especially when I eat out. I'm teaching myself how to eat again and what it feels to be hungry. So maybe it's working for me? I don't really feel restricted now and kind of finding my comfort zone through IF and finding my balance. I am thinking about seeking professional assistance. Thank you again!
    Which makes it sound like you don't plan on counting. I can easily eat over 1,000 calories in less than five minutes if I let myself. Just give me a jar of peanut butter and I'll lick that sucker clean. I eat during a four hour window but I still have to log. My inner fat *kitten* would take advantage of not counting.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Yep. That's what I was getting at.