Drop 56lbs (4st) by my birthday (16 Nov)

mcfctom93 Posts: 3 Member
So, last year I was involved in an accident which resulted in my almost loosing my right leg from the knee down. Luckily for me I still have it due to the amazing doctors at Salisbury hospital. It was a long (very long) road to recovery which involved 7 operations and a month in hospital plus months of rehabilitation.. but! I’m back on my feet! (Have been for around 6 months now) and have a beautiful daughter! I would really love to drop all my excess weight from being immobile and from a few years of extreme comfort eating and drop from 18st down to 14st. Wish me luck, tomorrow (April 9th) will be week 1 completed of my new diet and healthier lifestyle so I’ll be updating my weight etc. Wish me luck and if anyone else would like to join me on this - LETS DO IT!