Body fat

Weighed myself today , didn’t lose weight but body fat went down on scales is this good as disheartened weight didn’t go down


  • lisajames925
    lisajames925 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you that’s made me feel better
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Density is the point. Given the same VOLUME of muscle and fat the muscle is much heavier.

    About 18%.
    I guess a matter of opinion if you think 18% is "much heavier" or not.

    But anyway - back to the OP......
    • Don't make decisions based on one single and poor quality data point.
    • Non-fat mass is a lot more than just muscle.
    • Don't tie your happiness to a number on your bathroom scales let alone needing that number to be declining in a linear fashion to prevent you getting disheartened.
  • lisajames925
    lisajames925 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you to all . Gone down clothes size so must be doing something right
  • itisidaisy
    itisidaisy Posts: 121 Member
    Body fat % using scales is very inaccurate.

    What’s the best way to measure body fat? A good affordable way?

  • jamesakrobinson
    jamesakrobinson Posts: 2,149 Member
    itisidaisy wrote: »
    Body fat % using scales is very inaccurate.

    What’s the best way to measure body fat? A good affordable way?

    Dexa scan... Affordability is relative though. Here the first one is $100 CDN and follow ups are $75. I get one about twice a year. You must get your scan in the morning before eating, drinking or exercising for it to be worth the paper it's printed on. Toilet, shower, and go to the lab. Have coffee and breakfast afterwards.

    I also use a Skulpt daily to watch my trends. I will say it has been true to its claim of coming in within 2 points of my Dexa every time. The problem is they don't last as long as they should. I'm on my second one in under 2 years.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    edited April 2018
    itisidaisy wrote: »
    Body fat % using scales is very inaccurate.

    What’s the best way to measure body fat? A good affordable way?

    Dexa scan... Affordability is relative though. Here the first one is $100 CDN and follow ups are $75. I get one about twice a year. You must get your scan in the morning before eating, drinking or exercising for it to be worth the paper it's printed on. Toilet, shower, and go to the lab. Have coffee and breakfast afterwards.

    I have had my BF measured quarterly by DXA scan and hydro testing for rhe past 18 months. These are the most accurate methods of BF measurement IMO.

    DXA costs me only $45/scan. Hydro cost me $49 for the 1st test and only $39 for retests.

    Calipers can be as accurate but you need to find someome experienced to do the measurements (just a minor error in squezing the skin or in the location of the measurement site can throw the estimate way off) using at least 7-12 measurement sites; the more sites the better.

    Bioelectrical devices and calculators are NOT accurate at all (basically useless) for me.