I'm back after 2 babies and life getting in my way for a year!!

mg720 Posts: 212 Member
WOW it sure has been a while but here I am--im back to try this journey again. after two back to back pregnancies and the stress of life I am back in a space of needing to drop approx 30 lbs to be back where I was before kids. I over the past year have tried EVERY diet you can name and nothing has worked. most recently I have tried weight watchers and was not very successful.
before having kids I lost almost 100 lbs with my own at home work outs and my fitness pal. so here I am back to mfp which was the only tool that really has helped me in the past.

any other moms (esp from my area..matawan nj) feel free to add me. looks for all the support I can get at this point! anyone who can relate to the chaos of life after babies ? :) anyone have any tips..send them my way