I’m back! Need all the help I can get.

I fell off the wagon and I’m back now. I need all the help I can get. Send me a friend request! I will check in daily!


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome back!
  • MomToMurphy
    MomToMurphy Posts: 88 Member
    I fell off the wagon over 2 years ago.....but I'm back again too!
  • maxwellrxj
    maxwellrxj Posts: 1 Member
    How did that happen? What can we/I do to help?
  • MomToMurphy
    MomToMurphy Posts: 88 Member
    Back in 2015 I was here on mfp for a few months. I was counting calories, exercising, and lost 52 pounds. I felt great and I thought I looked pretty good too. Then I got lazy. Stopped coming here, stopped counting calories, and began eating like I did when I was younger. Fast forward to now....boom! The weight is all back on plus a little more. But I'm back! Day 5 and off to a great start!
  • mshieldnight95
    mshieldnight95 Posts: 11 Member
    Same here feel free to add me. I need to start drinking more water and walking on Tuesdays and Thursdays between classes.
  • RemoteWilderness
    RemoteWilderness Posts: 29 Member
    Been there many times! Feel free to add me!
  • kiwisandcoconuts
    kiwisandcoconuts Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there! Welcome back! :) feel free to add me. Always looking for motivated MFP friends.