Group Insanity Workshop - Does it work?

So... I've read lots and lots about Insanity. I've seen lots of inspiration before and after photos and I am determined to do it.

I'm thinking of setting up a group workshop, there'd be about 6 of us doing Insanity together, but I keep wondering if it would realistically work or if it's better to do Insanity alone. I have been known in the past to suffer from a lack of self motivation at times, although now I really do feel ready. But I can't help but think it would be better having a 'team' there doing it together.,

Has anyone had experience in doing this as a group? I've got a big room sorted above a pub, with a telly and dvd player and all set to start a week today.

I'd also like to stress that there's no money involved in this, I'm not trying to make a profit at all, the room is free as it's my friend's pub.

What d'ya think?


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I think if you put 4-6 competitive people in a room together doing Insanity most everyone will have great results. Just be careful it doesn't turn into such competition it becomes dangerous.
  • charlene1873
    I've been doing it for about a month now and have certainly seen the results ( including gym training) I train 6 times a week and it certainly has my heart rate up for long periods.

    give it a try!
  • pearson114
    pearson114 Posts: 66 Member