Exercise Epiphany-- pregnancy weight gain

I've been exercising regularly for about 9 years now (just turned 30), and I've gradually regained about 20 lbs of my initial 50 lbs weight loss. Basically the mental problem I've been fighting for the last year has been: "what's the point of trying to lose weight again? I'm just going to gain it ALL back when I have a baby (maybe next year?) and have to start all over!" Needless to say I've been disheartened lately.

Well, last night while doing Jillian's Kettlebell dvd, I had a random thought that renewed my motivation to keep at it, despite not seeing any new progress on the scale. The phrase "You've got the tools" popped into my head. Suddenly it was clear, even though losing pregnancy weight is difficult, the fact that I've persisted over the last decade means that I'm miles ahead of women who suddenly find themselves 50 lbs heavier and having never lost weight before. I just have to keep telling myself that after a baby, I have given myself the tools and habits to bounce back from it.

(note to current mothers before you pounce on me: don't worry, I'm not delusional enough to think it will be easy... I'm highly aware of what a time and energy suck babies are, but if I focus on the negative, I'll just reenter my dissolusioned mindset and be too afraid to even have a baby! When that day comes, hopefully my wonderful husband will make it possible for me to get some workouts in.)