Highest Weight in My Life - Looking for Support



  • ionella24
    ionella24 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Marry, I am glad to hear you are getting back up from your fall, and the fact that you want to do something about it is already a huge step. My advice would be to use MFP to log in absolutely everything you eat and each exercise you make, that's what helped me in the past and still does. For example, it used to put me off eating a lot of biscuits when I saw how many calories they have and how much more exercise I should make to burn them off instead of working on burning the calories to lose the weight. Slowly but surely I got from eating less and less to eating just what I needed and working my way to the bikini body. Trust yourself you can do it, because you can, and when you think you can't come on here and we will remind you why you can do it! I wish you best of luck and I hope you succeed.
    PS: Of course, feel free to add me:)
  • Hugs! I used to always gain weight in huge life changes like you have been through this year! I understand. Carol
  • Feel free to add me anyone. Im on daily and my diary is open =)
  • FruitSalad76
    FruitSalad76 Posts: 82 Member
    You can add me I started at 220 I am 186 now. I lost my mom in 2012 and it has been a long hard road.
  • elllI4
    elllI4 Posts: 8
    my condolences for your loss, i too decided to make a change when i was at my highest weight and can totally relate with the depression issue.
    you could always add me for support!
  • Forest777
    Forest777 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there, feel free to add me. I'm a mom of young kids too, started right about where you are, about 20% done with the amount I want to lose, so still a long way to go!
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    222 was my highest weight when I decided to kick my health into gear! I'd be happy to offer support :] I'll send you a friend request!
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member

    My name is Mary and I am 35 years old. At 222 pounds I am the highest weight I have EVER been. This past Saturday I went up and down a water slide with my Kid's Ministry Kids and could only do it about 6 times before I was spent. My weight is affecting everything! My overall mood, my clothes, my feet.....everything.

    I used myfitnesspal in 2011 and 2012 to help me lose weight. Then in September of 2012 my world took a turn for some not so great events in my life. My Mom passed in January 2013 and I stayed in a very depressed state until May of this year. Finally pulling out of my depression I am trying to motivate myself to get back on track and lose the weight and get healthy. I just need support. While my DH tries to support me he doesn't do a great job at telling me no.

    I need the accountability......I need support!

    Please help me!

    Thanks in advance

    ~M~ aka Mary

    Hi Mary:

    I had my epiphany on June 19, at a whopping 419 pounds. And I have made the commitment to turn myself around.

    I have as much to lose as you weigh. And I will do it.

    If you add me as a friend I will be there for you, day by day, offering encouragement as you need it.

    You can do anything you put your mind to. Where there is a will, there is a way.

    Frank (ftw37)
  • balsert713
    balsert713 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm here if you need me! I started at 218 with MFP, and I'm currently down to 184. I think we have similar goals, and starting points so I'm here for any encouraging or accountability you may need! Even if it's a daily message. :P

    ps. That pretty much goes for any one else that wants to add me! :) I'm super friendly, and love seeing everyone's blog posts and updates. :)
  • Thanks Fred! I appreciate it!
  • Truly humbled at the outpouring of support I am receiving on here! Truly must be a God thing because He knew I needed this today or else I would stumble and give up yet again!

    Thank you all so much! Words can not express how I feel right now!