

  • OOODINA777
    OOODINA777 Posts: 18 Member
    vallary14 wrote: »
    Make you sure you eat the right amount of calories. IF is the new fad in dieting.

    Fasting isn’t new, it just isn’t for everyone. If it makes you feel bad or binging on empty calories during the eating cycle then that’s a sign it’s not such a great idea. If it helps to reset your ghrelin and you’re feeling pretty good then I say go for it!

    It's the first thing I thought as well... I fasted b4 days at a time for other reasons than health, in my younger years. Fasting daily on a schedule works best for me. Feeling great! Thank you!!!
  • MerryMavis1
    MerryMavis1 Posts: 73 Member
    Make you sure you eat the right amount of calories. IF is the new fad in dieting.

    IF has actually been around for a while, I did it for my weight loss phase over 5 years ago.

    OP-IF is just a method that some find helps them with their calorie adherence. You still need to be at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals though, in order to lose weight. I enjoyed doing IF and still incorporate it into my maintenance plan. You can always give it a try and see if it clicks with you and your eating preferences/lifestyle.
  • MerryMavis1
    MerryMavis1 Posts: 73 Member
    Jrpwgr wrote: »
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    What's the hype? Starving works!
    It does for short term. But our 200,000 years of evolution has made humans very efficient at storing calories during lean times, and shutting down to keep from expending precious calories during periods of starvation. When you starve, you will trigger your metabolism to burn fewer calories, eventually going into a 'starvation mode' where you stop losing. When you go off your starvation, you will gain everything back and more, and it will be tougher to lose the next time.

    Sorry but this is just not true. I did an IF protocol for my weight loss phase and had no problem losing the extra weight. I still use IF as part of my maintenance plan since I enjoy doing it. In the over 5 years of maintenance I have not had any big re-gains and stay in the 20-21 bmi range.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Jrpwgr wrote: »
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    What's the hype? Starving works!
    It does for short term. But our 200,000 years of evolution has made humans very efficient at storing calories during lean times, and shutting down to keep from expending precious calories during periods of starvation. When you starve, you will trigger your metabolism to burn fewer calories, eventually going into a 'starvation mode' where you stop losing. When you go off your starvation, you will gain everything back and more, and it will be tougher to lose the next time.

    Starvation mode doesn’t exist

    Yes I know starvation mode all to well from my younger years. The thing with IF is u eat ur calories everyday just during a certain time. Your body knows it's gonna eat at a certain time daily. So no starvation mode.

    Your body can’t tell time. And again, starvation mode doesn’t exist. Adaptive thermogenesis does, where your metabolism slows down while eating low calories, but it takes a long period of that before it occurs.
  • catherineroberts87
    catherineroberts87 Posts: 27 Member
    I completely agree with what most people are saying here: you still have to eat a normal amount of calories during your feeding window. You can still maintain a defecit, and your calorie goals can differ depending on your workout for the day, but the lowest I would go is on a fasted day that you rested *completely* and you still should aim for 900-1000 calories with at least half your body weight in grams of protein to maintain your muscle mass.

    Also: based on a lot of my research, intermittent fasting every day can wreak havoc on female hormones. I prefer crescendo fasting, which means that I've chosen three non-consecutive days per week to fast: 18 hours fasted, 6 fed. And I never fast while menstruating.

    I also consume a bulletproof tonic (I've created a vegan, coffee-free version of the traditional Bulletproof coffee) on the days that I fast because I find that higher levels of fat help me to feel more satisfied, and studies have shown that consumption of high-quality fats is imperative for maintaining good hormonal balance.

    I also incorporate elements of carb- and protein-cycling in my fat-burning protocol; it's taken me quite a lot of time and research to build, and it is still a work in progress. Take the time to figure out what makes you feel good!!!

    can you explain why it can wreak havoc with female hormones?