Looking for Positive fitness friends

Hello I am somewhat new to fitness pal. My name is Jaclyn, I do have the motivation to workout, just not good at planning meals. I hope to get to know a few of you on here and that we all can reach our goals ;)


  • listeningattic
    listeningattic Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I also just joined. I can plan good meals but am awful at portion control. I exercise, but tend to let it fall to the wayside when I'm busy, which is all the time these days. I need to make time.
  • jackster281983
    jackster281983 Posts: 2 Member
    That is like me once I'm busy it is hard to move to the exercise part when it is in the evenings. Portion control is sometimes a task as well, when I fix my plate I try to fix it as if I am making it for my 6 year old neice, so it comes out just enough,lol but my hardest food is any sweets.
  • Jrey36
    Jrey36 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello..just got back on this app...feel free to add me if u like:)
  • DeniseMayree
    DeniseMayree Posts: 133 Member
    feel free to add me hon :smile:
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Can add me :)