Extra calories from steps

I am trying to figure out how many calories I get from my steps. I am 5'8", male, 59 and ~160 lbs. I set my daily activity as sedentary because I work an office job. Most of my exercise is walking. I have been increasing distances gradually since the beginning of the year and I am averaging over 10,000 steps this month.

What I want to figure out is roughly how many steps I should subtract from my total because it is just part of the sedentary activity level (I assume walking around some is still expected) and then how many steps per calorie I should use for the calculation above that. I thought about getting an average of my steps at work outside of any long walk at lunch or whatever, but that really isn't relevant; mfp doesn't tailor their definition of sedentary to my job.

I am actually working this out in reverse, trying to figure out what maintenance is. I am at goal and have kept my weight relatively stable (very slight downward trend) for about a month. I have all the calories tracked from all those days on mfp and I have all the data on steps in my watch's fitness app. So if I can figure out how many steps to subtract on each day and how many calories to subtract for the extra steps, I can figure out my sedentary maintenance value.