Doing this for overall health and meeting like minded people for support.

I am a 55-year-old female veteran that got a call from my doc stating that my cholesterol was over 300! That woke me up! I was entered into the veteran's "MOVE program" by my doctor which seems a lot better than all those commercial "lose weight with us so we can get rich off you" corporations. Maybe it works for some people, I just have a hard time trusting for-profit corporations. I am sure they get the weight off, but how healthily is it done? I get to work with nutritionists, doctors, physical therapists and have weekly meetings with other veterans.

I've lost 11 pounds since March and just today I started on this website. I'm not sure what to expect, but this website was mention in the support group today and also found that 6 of my facebook buddies are already on here.

My goal is to get my cholesterol, blood pressure and weight down, while simultaneously getting off all pharmaceuticals that I won't be needing as I go along.

So this is my intro.