I relaxed too much and now I'm afraid I'll never get rid of the extra 10lbs...

I went on a vacation a couple weeks ago. Pretty much ate whatever I wanted. It was a very bumpy ride afterwards till now. I've had days where I have kept my calories perfect and other days where I've went absolutely insane with the junk food. I had lost 68lbs since March 2017- well now it's closer to 58lbs... I know some of it is water retention but there's definitely real pounds in there too. I have kept up with my exercise five days a week, so that's good...

I just needed to vent. I need to get hold of myself before I spiral out of control. I don't know why resisting junk food is all the sudden so much harder now than it was before when I first started. I was so strong then and now I'm so weak for junk. I was at my lowest weight eeeeever. It was so wonderful. Now it seems so far away again, like I'll never get there again.


  • Spen1973
    Spen1973 Posts: 7 Member
    You’re doing great, change your mindset to reflect on the 58lbs you have lost as this reinforcement shows yourself that not only have you achieved so much but that you can do this. 10lbs will come off and it doesn’t mean you have to avoid junk food. Allow yourself those things from time to time and you’ll stop craving them. Good luck, go do this thing and don’t worry about that 10lb gain...
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Same boat here. I've lost 100 of the 110 I want to lose, and it's like all of the sudden I have no self control.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    Try to envision the "finish line" of stepping on the scale and seeing that number you have worked SO hard for. You deserve that feeling, and that feeling will be much better than whatever momentary pleasure/comfort you're getting from food.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I think it already speaks volumes that you're recognizing it within a 10lb range. I believe it shows you could be successful at maintenance if you can acknowledge you're slipping and take the steps to get back on track. Remember that you didnt lose those 68 pounds in one week, and you almost certainly didn't put on those pounds in one month either. It's a slow creep, you see the creeping now so as long as you're willing to get back on track you'll be back where you want to be in no time. Best of luck, you've already proven you can do it!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Congrats on your loss! Now as for the 10 pounds and the difficulty getting back on track... I find for myself that as soon as I eat too many carbs and not enough protein I spiral out of control. I'm not advocating Keto, I eat 50% carb but if I exceed that it has to come from somewhere and it always seems like my protein suffers. Try cutting the carbs a bit and focusing on protein and see if that helps you feel more satisfied. I also find if I skip my daily veggies I get snacky (as in desiring snacks, lol).
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    yup .. I did the same thing. its slowely coming off now, but it seems to take 3-4 weeks of deficit to rectify 1 week of surplus. .. and mainly because I keep slipping since coming back home .. the holiday seems to have all but destroyed my resolve
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    It sounds like you've got this under control. I don't know what your ultimate goal is, but after losing so much it may be time for you to decrease your deficit so you can enjoy a little bit of "junk" without feeling guilty about it. Sure it will slow things down, but this is really a lifelong process anyway.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    You will get there, just be patient and continue doing what you did before your vacation. I love junk food and on vacation I eat it all, so I expect to gain weight.