New, And Already Feeling Frustrated

Hey all, so I'm pretty new here and not typically one to post on message boards, but I'm feeling super frustrated and in need of encouragement lol

Some background, I'm 27 years old, 5'6"(ish), and currently currently fluctuating between 217/218lbs. I started using MFP and my FitBit, eating better/exercising more (walking a lot with some HIIT and pilates sprinkled in throughout the week), etc, in earnest on March 1, starting at 227.3lbs. Before March 1, I was beginning to take baby steps to getting healthier, and I know that there was a point in my life when I was at around 234 (I've always been scared to step on a scale, so it's hard for me to say what my real official starting weight was), so I guess I had already lost about 7lbs before I really started to try.

Anyway, when I weighed myself yesterday morning, I was 217.2, and I was so happy, because, in my mind, my official starting weight was 227.3, so woohoo, 10lbs officially gone! Then during the day, I was the most active I've been in a month, walked a lot, did my HIIT work out, feeling good, had a pretty significant caloric deficit (while still eating plenty), and was expecting to see an even lower number the next day.

But when I woke up today and weighed myself, the scale read 217.9. I couldn't believe it, how could I possibly have gone up .7lbs?! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but my mind is always all over the place and translates .7 to 1 full pound, and I what the HELL, you know??? lol Like how is that possible?

I know fluctuations are normal, but I just feel like it's taking me FOREVER to solidly lose 10 full pounds, especially because I always heard the lbs drop pretty fast in the beginning until you plateau, so I guess I just need someone to tell me for the millionth time that this IS normal?

On top of that, I don't feel like I look any different at all, clothes don't fit me any better, and it just all feels like a waste of time (even though I know it's not, today's just shaping up to be one of those negative days). I've had a couple of people tell me I looked like I was losing weight, but I genuinely don't see it at all.

This post was a lot longer than it probably needed to be hahaha Anyway, long story short, SOMEBODY ENCOURAGE ME o:)


  • sunshinedaydream21
    sunshinedaydream21 Posts: 62 Member
    I would totally ignore something like a .7 difference. It means nothing, probably moving your foot a little off on the scale would make such a difference! During these plateau-type times, always make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep your digestive system working well and not getting "backed up". Next thing you know you will suddenly be down another 3 pounds.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Exercise, especially more/new exercise, can cause water retention - it's all part of your body's recovery process.

    I'd recommend a trending app for your weight - you plug your weight in every day, it evens out the fluctuations and shows a general trend. Much more helpful, and eliminates stress from random high numbers!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    It's been a month. What's your expectation? The reality is that weight loss ISN'T linear and you can do the EXACT program 2 weeks in a row and get different results. Why? Because of invariables that aren't within your control. Environment (heat/cold, weather) cause our bodies to react differently. Hormones can spike or change differently based on events or situations, etc. etc.
    IF you understand that fluctuations happen, then you'd know this is normal. But based on your OP, you don't really understand why they happen. That's something you're going to have to come to terms with. Good luck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    If the fluctuations bother you, I suggest using the Libra Weight Manager app. You enter your weight from the scale, and the app smooths out the fluctuations to give you a better idea of your weight trend. Even if you bump up here and there, you will see the graphical trend downward, which is encouraging.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I recommend only weighing once per week
  • kelly_stevens81
    kelly_stevens81 Posts: 79 Member
    Exercise always makes my weight spike. TBH I wouldn't put too much stock in your weight changes unless your seeing it go up month over month, but at least every other week. What you eat bulk wise can cause your weight to go up, TOM can cause your weight to go up, and inflammation can cause your weight to go up. If you are weighing your food, exercising, and staying within your calorie goal give it a week or so before you pay attention to the scale.

    I weigh and log every day but you cant fuss over the little fluctuations or you will drive yourself insane!

    See my last 90 days for example (so bumpy):

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP--Take your measurements weekly and keep a journal. It can help you see progress when the scale isn't budging. You just need patience and to keep going. 10 lbs in a month is a very good loss. You are doing just fine.
  • broseidonkingofbrocean
    broseidonkingofbrocean Posts: 180 Member
    edited April 2018
    Way I've dealt with things like this is to look at the bigger picture. Don't worry about your day to day weight. Go off how much weight you lose weekly. I think what makes most people quit is expecting the numbers to shed quickly so they do it for a say 3 weeks and only lose 6 lbs which is considered a good number to lose. Most people think ONLY 6lbs. What changed my train of thought on that is this, I set 2 different numbers which was 1lb a week and 2lb a week. Then I predicted much weight I'd lose in 6 months. On the low end 24lbs and on the high end 48 lbs. So anywhere inbetween those numbers would be the goal. Also seeing the amount I'd lose in that time motivated me to stick to it. Going back to the bigger picture, day to day hell even week to week seems small but the overall time say 6months to a year is where you'll see the big numbers.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited April 2018
    10 lbs in a little over a month is fast, not taking forever. You just need to have realistic expectations.

    An average of 2 lbs per week right now is about the most that you should expect. But that's an average over time - some weeks you'll lose 1 lb, some weeks you'll lose 2.2 lbs, some weeks you might not lose anything. Even if you are absolutely perfect, that's just real life.

    And keep in mind that once you drop below 200 or so, your weight loss should slow down, and continue to slow down, as you go. Be patient, keep doing the work, and good luck!
  • GnomeQueen0310
    GnomeQueen0310 Posts: 36 Member
    KayMix127 wrote: »
    Hey all, so I'm pretty new here and not typically one to post on message boards, but I'm feeling super frustrated and in need of encouragement lol

    Some background, I'm 27 years old, 5'6"(ish), and currently currently fluctuating between 217/218lbs. I started using MFP and my FitBit, eating better/exercising more (walking a lot with some HIIT and pilates sprinkled in throughout the week), etc, in earnest on March 1, starting at 227.3lbs. Before March 1, I was beginning to take baby steps to getting healthier, and I know that there was a point in my life when I was at around 234 (I've always been scared to step on a scale, so it's hard for me to say what my real official starting weight was), so I guess I had already lost about 7lbs before I really started to try.

    Anyway, when I weighed myself yesterday morning, I was 217.2, and I was so happy, because, in my mind, my official starting weight was 227.3, so woohoo, 10lbs officially gone! Then during the day, I was the most active I've been in a month, walked a lot, did my HIIT work out, feeling good, had a pretty significant caloric deficit (while still eating plenty), and was expecting to see an even lower number the next day.

    But when I woke up today and weighed myself, the scale read 217.9. I couldn't believe it, how could I possibly have gone up .7lbs?! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but my mind is always all over the place and translates .7 to 1 full pound, and I what the HELL, you know??? lol Like how is that possible?

    I know fluctuations are normal, but I just feel like it's taking me FOREVER to solidly lose 10 full pounds, especially because I always heard the lbs drop pretty fast in the beginning until you plateau, so I guess I just need someone to tell me for the millionth time that this IS normal?

    On top of that, I don't feel like I look any different at all, clothes don't fit me any better, and it just all feels like a waste of time (even though I know it's not, today's just shaping up to be one of those negative days). I've had a couple of people tell me I looked like I was losing weight, but I genuinely don't see it at all.

    This post was a lot longer than it probably needed to be hahaha Anyway, long story short, SOMEBODY ENCOURAGE ME o:)

    You got this!!! It was the exact same thing for me. I was 220 when I started. I was hitting the treadmill every day and lifting weights. I thought for sure j was going to be dropping pounds fast, but it took a couple weeks before it actually started to show on the scale. I'm now 19 pounds down 4 months later and I've hit another plateau. It's like my body is refusing to go under the 200-pound-mark which is frustrating!!

    Anyway, don't feel disheartened! It's working and each day you're closer. I actually started weighing myself once a week instead of multiple times. It helped me focus on how much lower the scale would read after a full 7 days of work and diet. Good luck!!! You got this!! :)
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Water. Read this board a lot you will see that the “I did a lot of exercise yesterday and gained today” post is pretty much a daily feature. Stressed muscles retain water. As was suggested, don’t weigh so often. Set up an official WI day 1X per week and control the conditions and chart the results. If you can’t stay off the scale the rest of the week, remember that only the official WI really means anything.

    A friend says this- We eventually get the weigh in we deserve, but not necessarily when we expect it.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited April 2018
    This is my weight graph for the last 180 days
    It's a lot of up and down, up and down.... it's what everyone's graph looks like :)
    I weight myself daily because it makes for a better graph
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Daily weighing is third on my list of why my diets have failed. You are experiencing why because you are frustrated. For me it doesn't help knowing that fluctuations are normal. I don't need it and I don't want it.
  • MrSmooth2017
    MrSmooth2017 Posts: 19 Member
    I know its hard to take all this advice, but here are some things i've learnt (lost 54lbs in 8 months).

    I weighed myself every day for 6 of those months. It drove me crazy. It doesn't make it easier.

    When I look at the graph now, my motivation was in line with the graph.

    When you exercise and diet at the same time, you gain muscle and lose fat.

    If you lost a lb of fat, and gained a lb of muscle you would stay the same weight, but you would be slimmer.

    Water weighs quite a bit. If you don't drink a lot, your body retains it.

    You don't lose weight daily from exercise, I found the result was delayed by a few days.

    Trust people when they tell you you are losing weight or you are looking slimmer. I never saw my self in a mirror for months, and didn't notice any change until i caught my reflection in a shop window and thought WTF.

    I've gone whole months losing no weight at all, but still got slimmer.

    To summarise. Give the scales a miss. Do a bit more, eat a bit less, measure yourself!!!, and don't give up.

    Anything you do to move is exercise. pick something you like with people you like. It far more fun.

  • Liamsm0m
    Liamsm0m Posts: 102 Member
    I just wanted to post to give you a virtual high five or a hug... whichever you need. It’s not easy. Hard days are part of life but it doesn’t make it easy. :)
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    OP- I hit my highest weight at 215 lbs. I was at the same place you are at now. Please listen when I tell you that the changes you will experience will not be as big as you expect at small increments. At 10 lbs, I noticed nothing. No one noticed anything. I am currently 35 lbs down, and only NOW can I see noticeable changes. I've gone down 4 pant sizes, but the change doesn't "look" that big. So trust the numbers even if it doesn't seem like you can notice anything. It will happen. It just takes time an patience.