Addicted to eating

I find I just eat all the time, I have become quite overweight over the last few years and it makes me so unhappy. I look awful, someone who 10 years ago would not think that could be me.

I just eat for the sake of it, and hardly ever feel hungry. I try to do well but Instead of eating porridge, I find more comfort in eating toast and butter which has no nutritional value whatsoever. Then lunch a cheese salad or ham salad sandwich, a bag of crisps. It I’ve gotten myself into a habit of eating my crisps at work mid morning and even though I’m not even hungry, I can just about wait till midday to eat my sandwich as my brain is shouting at me to eat it but I’m nowhere near hungry. And I will eat an apple in the afternoon and a banana along the day too. Tea time, my partner is a chef but lazy and tends to cook comfort foods and I get so frustrated with this as he is always home with our daughter before I get home so makes tea.

What can I do to get myself out of this addiction to food and only eat when I need it.

Has anyone tried hypnotherapy?


  • jolmbagpuss
    jolmbagpuss Posts: 14 Member
    Why can't you eat comfort food? Almost nobody eats just for fuel. Is calling it addiction, helping you? Regular meals can regulate your appetite, but you have to eat food you find appealing (not "try to do well" and only eat food you deem "healthy"). Toast and butter has no nutritional value?

    I don’t want comfort food everyday as this means I am eating probably my daily intake in one meal. I need to eat meals within my daily calorie intake.

  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited April 2018
    your focusing on food as being bad and taking up your entire daily caloric needs in one meal, That my dear would be bad portion control, Not bad food. Fyi toast and butter is delicious and fine to eat, Just not like half a loaf at a time.

    editing for an example-
    This is my second snack since lunch and its only around 100 calories for a big bowl.

    This is why people say some foods are good some are bad, Sure some foods have different macros and vitamins etc but from what iv seen on these forums people call snacks like this good because of the volume. I balanced it out with banana/greek yogurt icecream with marshmallows and grahm crackers as my first snack. The bowl is way smaller but i still get to eat it, And it was delicious.


    As i said, Portion control, Not good/bad food.
  • MetabolicAddict
    MetabolicAddict Posts: 2 Member
    I tried Hypnotherapy as I am a sugar addict and would often sabotage myself. My therapist gave me strategies to use when I was in that destructive mode. I highly recommend a visit or 2. I also eat High Fat and Low Carb to stop cravings, as this way of eating gave me satiety as well. I believe its what you eat, rather than how much you eat is beneficial to my issue. I often will have to implement my 'strategies'...but it is working for me.
  • iWishMyNameWasRebel
    iWishMyNameWasRebel Posts: 174 Member
    Same for me, for many years. You can't "just change." You need to do some self-examination to figure out when and why you started eating for reasons other than real hunger, on a regular basis. Most people eat for reasons other than hunger every now and then, but when we start doing it frequently, it becomes a habit. Ask yourself what need it is that you have that eating is filling? Are you bored? Sad? Frustrated? Anxious? Did you experience tragedy or trauma a few years back and felt less upset while eating, then continued?

    The suggestions of not trying to alter your eating at this point, but to start first with logging what you eat, are excellent. Do that, and note how you were feeling every time you decided to eat when you weren't really hungry. Start there. *hugs*
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Why can't you eat comfort food? Almost nobody eats just for fuel. Is calling it addiction, helping you? Regular meals can regulate your appetite, but you have to eat food you find appealing (not "try to do well" and only eat food you deem "healthy"). Toast and butter has no nutritional value?

    I don’t want comfort food everyday as this means I am eating probably my daily intake in one meal. I need to eat meals within my daily calorie intake.
    Probably? Do you weigh/log? Can't you eat smaller portions?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Your food doesn't sound bad to me at all nor does it seem an awful lot for someone claiming they can't stop eating.
    What's wrong with toast and butter? Nothing! Ok it night not keep you feeling full for as long as the porridge would, but it's not a bad choice.
    People have this concept to lose weight they mustn't eat certain things which is stuff and nonsense.
    Eat foods you like but eat less than you burn. Simple.
    All of the eating for the sake of it is a mental thing. If you aren't truly hungry, have a glass of water and see if the notion passes but if you have the calories to spare and still want the snack, have it.
  • jolmbagpuss
    jolmbagpuss Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2018
    Okay so maybe addicted to eating is the incorrect title to use. It is as one of you said, about changing my eating habits but, and I can't believe I am in this frame of mind, I don't seem to be able to channel my brain into changing my habits, it's like smoking to me and my brain telling me I should see what's there for me to eat and eat it even though I don't need it. I guess it's all about practicing this method and getting better at it.

    My meals might not sound bad but it's the calorie content that's the problem. I love toast in the mornings with butter and I love a cheese sandwich and a bag of crisps for lunch. I need to get better meal plans in place with less calories but still I need to feel satisfied.

    Thank you for all your input, I will read over them all again for guidance. xx
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2018
    It looks like you can see where you're going wrong - you just have to moderate those things that are calorie dense. You don't mention how many slices of toast but two are more than enough with the right topping - say scrambled egg or even some baked beans and a little cheese - that'll keep hunger at bay. Some people like avocado mashed on top of the toast with a poached egg. That's another option.

    For your mid morning snack, if you aren't hungry then have an apple or a yogurt instead of those crisps - but if you're only having 1 25g packet of crisps then that's only 140 cals anyway so its no biggie if that's what your hankering after. Its all about keeping your calories to less than you burn so you lose. Small changes will make all the difference.

    And that cheese sandwich, well add some fibre and protein to that and that will be healthier and keep you fuller too. So portion out the cheese, say 25g, and add ham/chicken/rocket/tomato/spring onion... the more fillings you put in that sandwich then the less bread you will need so again, two slices will be absolutely enough with all that filling to keep you fuller for longer :smile: and it will keep the calories down.

    These are just a few examples.

    All the best. :)

  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    You can do this. It’s problem solving. Start a food diary. Just start listing what you eat. When you’re ready, start filling in some numbers. Eventually you will have a picture of where your calories come from.

    When you have that, use MFP to calculate a modest calorie deficit. Then start to figure out what modifications you can make to hit your number. Will it be toast one day and crisps the next? Less crisps and modified ham salad? 2 apples no banana? Just modifications and limits. BTW the nutritional value of toast and butter depends a lot on the quality of the bread. Butter gets an undeserved bad rap.

  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I eat all day long too but this is what I eat:

    7am - Protein shake after workout (160 calories)
    9am - Protein bar or egg sandwich (200 calories)
    11am - Cottage cheese (80 calories)
    12:30 - Lunch. I food prep so usually lunch is roasted vegetables with quinoa and chicken sausage, a Greek yogurt and a Babybell (500 calories)
    3pm - High protein snack (about 200 calories)
    That's 1100 calories for breakfast, lunch and snacks, which leaves me 800 calories for dinner and dessert. Totally doable for me. But this is what me eating all day looks like.

    My suggestion is to keep eating all day but choose your foods wisely and track them. Pack everything and bring it to work. That way you don't have a choice but to eat what you pack.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I doubt getting hypnotized is the answer...although it worked for me and quitting smoking.
    You can still eat all day long, you just need to make better food choices. I eat 6-8 times a day, small meals with protein, carbs and fats. Keeps me full. I also don't deprive myself of anything, so if I want some chocolate or chips I eat them and then I make sure they either fit into my calorie count for the day or I go walking to work off some of the calories.
    I'd ask your chef husband to make healthy food and maybe you can both benefit from it.
    Unfortunately, no one can stop your 'addiction" but you, just like drugs or alcohol. Good luck and YOU CAN DO IT!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I think addiction is the wrong word (as you acknowledge)--all living organisms need "food" to live. Are you addicted to air? I find I get the urge to graze when I'm bored and/or watching TV. Substituting a book for TV and doing more things outdoors helps keep you out of the kitchen. I enjoy podcasts while I walk my dogs--time flies by during a 5 mile walk that burns 600 calories. Drinking more water also helps extinguish snacking urges.
  • jolmbagpuss
    jolmbagpuss Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thanks guys, you are all very inspiring to me.

    So today I have bought to work:

    Gluten free porridge (and milk)
    Frazzles crisps (a weakness to me)
    Feta and quinoa salad (instead of a sandwich)

    So I will definitely be ready when tea comes round later on.

    I will drink water whenever I feel hungry.

    As my partner is a chef, he works evenings and I have a 2 year old daughter he goes to bed early so don't have the time for walking unfortunately in the week. So I have decided to get myself a yoga cd for my Wii Fit instead. :-)

    Here I go!