Not sure what this injury is or how to treat it?

Hi everyone- I apologise if this is a very basic question but any help would be greatly appreciated! I ran my first 5k in years Saturday - I say 'run', there was a combination of running and walking. I'm not a runner (having only been jogging twice this year, a mile each time) but it was my 30th so I wanted challenge and a time to work on beating over the course of the year.

Anyway, since then my left calf has been really tight; everything else has recovered apart from my calf. It never gave me any trouble during the race or immediately after, it was only when I went for a run on Tuesday that I noticed how right it felt and painful to run on. Now, if it sit down for too long it ached a bit when I first start walking, and first thing in the morning.

It's not a 'pain', it doesnt feel like a traditional pulled muscle, more of a tightness that aches. I want to go running again this evening but am wondering - whatever it is - is it best to rest completely or just go for a gentle run and stretch it out?

Again, apologies if it sounds like a basic question, I am very new to running! Thanks for any help you guys can give.


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Are you eating enough? How is your hydration levels (you could have an electrolyte imbalance). Other than dietary/hydration you could have muscle fatigue from doing too much.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Ice it, rest it, see a physio if that doesn't cure it in a week
  • ckc0557
    ckc0557 Posts: 1 Member
    I use to get muscle cramps in both legs. I drank and still drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. My husband has RLS. What I going to tell you, you might think I am crazy and this is ridiculous but it works for my husband and I. We have a bar of lavender soap on the end of our bed. The first night it help a little but after that no problem with tightness in the legs, no leg cramps, and my husband doesn't move his legs at night . We have had the bar of soap at the end of our bed for now 3 months now, you never know what works until you try it. Good luck. Many have and still doing it. I wish you all the best. Have a great day.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    ckc0557 wrote: »
    I use to get muscle cramps in both legs. I drank and still drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. My husband has RLS. What I going to tell you, you might think I am crazy and this is ridiculous but it works for my husband and I. We have a bar of lavender soap on the end of our bed. The first night it help a little but after that no problem with tightness in the legs, no leg cramps, and my husband doesn't move his legs at night . We have had the bar of soap at the end of our bed for now 3 months now, you never know what works until you try it. Good luck. Many have and still doing it. I wish you all the best. Have a great day.

    Which end of the bed? Or does it matter? Does it have to go above or below the mattress? Does it go inside or outside of the sheets/blanket?
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Running was very painful in my knees when I would start with a three mile run on day one. I thought I couldn't run. I ended up walking a lot and slowly adding brief runs in. After a while I went to all running and slowly added distance. My knees didn't hurt this time. I came home from a run and saw that there was a half marathon the next day and entered. I ran the entire distance and loved it. Start slow and build on it. Get fitted for shoes at a running store, its worth it. Rest up and get better than go with a slow approach. Good luck!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Since it's hurts after inactivity, i'd keep it moving throughout the day, but not run yet. I'd wear a night splint to stretch it out and also static stretch it every hour for 30 seconds. You don't need to warm up first if you do it gently. Ice reduces circulation which may slow healing. :+1: