Umm still the same pants size?



  • Eirene80
    Eirene80 Posts: 36 Member
    Don't forget that often the first size we go down is the size we're wearing. In other words, many people try to squeeze into a pair of jeans as long as possible before going up a size, so maybe you HAVE dropped a size, but now those pants fit like they were meant to. This was definitely the case for was frustrating that I had to lose so much before being able to go shopping, but it was nice not to have the muffin top anymore!

    This too! I'm still in the same jeans, but I could barely button them straight out of the dryer. I put them on this weekend and noticed that they button easily over my belly button. I'd forgotten they weren't low rise. :laugh:
  • cpalumbo89
    cpalumbo89 Posts: 71 Member
    Great Point actually. I do try to do strength training about 4 times a week, but I have no idea what my body fat context is. Is there any way to figure this out without going to a doctor?
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I've lost about 15 pounds and 2-3 inches on the hips and waist. Some of my clothes are baggy now, but most of my pants just fit. I was totally mystified until I realized the truth. I was stuffing myself into too-small clothes for a year, and now they fit! :laugh: