Raise your glass! Alcohol and Diet Questions.

For the days we have a couple cocktails in the evening.......

Say for example a day when you don't work out, you are limited to 1200 calories that day. You eat only 800 of those calories and than drink the other 400. Seems reasonable to conclude that you are likely not providing your body with the level of nutrients it needs.....thoughts?

What about days you do work out? In this case you eat the full 1200 calories, and then only consume calories from alcohol equal amount to the calories you burned working out. I would appear in this scenario you are still getting the level of nutrients you need while staying within a reasonable calorie intake....thoughts?

For those of you that enjoy happy hour every now and then, or even a few drinks at home, how do you balance it with a healthy diet (and yes, I realize this question is somewhat counter intuitive)?


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Yes, alcohol provides empty calories so you need to have very nutrient dense food to get good nutrition and still stay within your calories. So does soda, cheese doodles, and lots of other junk food.