I think my mfp broke :')

I weighed in for the first time since starting last week and I lost 3.9lbs (yay!) but here's what it says on my newsfeed:

"lmcaneny94 lost 3.9 lbs since her last weigh-in! Lmcaneny94's lost 3.3 lbs so far."

How does this make sense? It doesnt bother me too much I'm just a little confused...


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It could be MFP can't subtract decimals (I've never seen anyone else with decimals on their counter). If could be that you went up .6 before going down 3.9. Or it could be that in the news feed that there are rounding errors either at the top or bottom of the equation.
  • darthie
    darthie Posts: 1 Member
    This can happen when you have a weigh-in previous where you've gained. e.g. you start at 100, then go up to 100.6 (MFP is kind and doesn't announce that in your feed), then lose 3.9 on the next weigh in. That puts you at 96.7, or 3.3 pounds lost total.

    tl;dr - "x so far" is your overall weight loss since you registered.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yes, typically that means that you are only 3.3 lbs lower than your starting weight, and last week, you had been UP from your starting weight.
  • lmcaneny94
    I totally get it now, thanks everyone!