Ketosis Diet My First 3 Weeks.

Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
edited April 2018 in Food and Nutrition
Before I start thank you for reading this, and feel free to add me, I am on a journey to lose a further 140lb and could do with support as I have kind of gone public (youtube)!

How long did it take: 5 days to turn the ketostix (sticks you wee on to pick up ketones) a different colour.

The first day was probably the hardest out of the 5, I fasted to kickstart this diet, I've never felt so sick and the cravings where overwhelming. I was dizzy, hot and faint, however I failed at 9PM that day and had 5 weatabix with 3 tablespoons of sugar and hot milk! Instantly felt better, but a mild headache remained.

Second day, I decided not to fast and go on a shake diet from exante that actually promotes it gets you into ketosis. That's a shake for breakfast, lunch and dinner, over 2 ltrs of water and that is it. I had a successful day, didn't feel to bad, although headache was still lingering it was ok.

Third day, oh man the feeling I had on the first day all came back, just without feeling sick, I pushed on through, but I was out of breath, tired and ached everywhere, hot flushes and the cravings, your brain is a *kitten*!! I could go into the mental fights I had with myself inside my head but I'd be here all day. The worse thing is you tell yourself, its only the 3rd day your not going to last, whats the point, almost accepting your fate to be unhealthy fat and unhappy.

Fourth day, the headache was gone, hot flushes had gone but the lack of energy and fatigue all over your body almost like you don't want to do anything at all, I could quite happily stay in bed all day, but I work with the elderly in health care and I had to be their, but trust me if it wasn't important I would have taken the day off. Still carrying on with the shakes, towards 8PM when the kids where sleeping and me and the missus watching tv, I felt like I wanted to cry for no reason, I felt a pinch of happiness, and something come over me, such a strange feeling, we went to bed that night and I wasn't worried what the fifth day would bring.

Wow the fifth day was almost like night and day compared to the day before. I felt like I had energy, I felt awake, ready to tackle the world and focused, everything seemed to be clearer, my brain was in overdrive, I had determination, I was chatting to my clients like no tomorrow. I couldn't believe it, although I still had a bit of fatigue all the side effects had gone, I gained bad breath and strong wee smell and my ketostix was purple in colour, which is moderate amounts of ketones in the urine. Always test first thing in morning before drink and food.

And now 3 weeks into the diet, still feeling the same 18lbs down, happy and determined to win!

I plan to stay on this diet for 12 weeks, as this is recommended by health experts not to go over as it could be bad for the body, although up to this point ketosis is very beneficial for the body.

I can now see the light and I am excited! People and family are starting to notice weight loss and a change in my attitude, still focused!

Thank you, Weight Loss Dad


  • knizek
    knizek Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations. It's great that you've found something that work for you and makes you feel great!!
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    40lbs In 3 weeks....?? I know a lot of water weight is lost cause of glycogen reduction, but what deficit are you running?
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    It wasn't 40lb in 3 weeks, sorry didn't see it was misleading I've been dieting since october last year, its been about 18lb in 3 weeks, I lost 12lb the first week and a steady 3 for the other 2 weeks, first week of water weight
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    40lbs In 3 weeks....?? I know a lot of water weight is lost cause of glycogen reduction, but what deficit are you running?

    OP needs to lose 180lbs still... its not as bad when you consider that.
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    Just updated the post to be clearer, I lost 18lbs on ketosis so far, taking regular tests in morning, I started my weight loss journey in october last year with the aim to lose 180lbs. In total I have lost 40lbs so i have 140 to go.
  • Larela
    Larela Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck to you and take one day at a time.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Being 26 stone and 7 pounds wasn't a tackle with food it was a tackle with an addiction and habits I had built up over the years especially in the evening time. Its not about lower calories and exercise, its about going cold turkey breaking a habit and re-evaluating your lifestyle.

    I'd agree burning more than you eat to lose weight is the way forward, for people under say 20 stone, when your weight goes above, its obvious the problem goes deeper than just eating food.

    As long as you know that punishing yourself isn't the answer either.
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    Cheers Tavistock Toad, its the one diet I am enjoying the shakes are nice, I no longer have the achy feeling for food, it's great for now, I am researching and trying to plan what to do after the 12 weeks are up, so any advice would go down nicely.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Do you plan on staying low carb when you stop doing keto? I ask because if you plan to increase your carb intake significantly, you might want to do it gradually. You'll see a similar water weight gain as you saw in loss when you started eating keto, and that can be discouraging. As long as you recognize the source, and make sure you're still eating in a calorie deficit you'll continue to lose weight (fat) :)
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    Do you plan on staying low carb when you stop doing keto? I ask because if you plan to increase your carb intake significantly, you might want to do it gradually. You'll see a similar water weight gain as you saw in loss when you started eating keto, and that can be discouraging. As long as you recognize the source, and make sure you're still eating in a calorie deficit you'll continue to lose weight (fat) :)

    I am still working it out, I have about 9 weeks left of this diet, but I calorie counted before and will probably be the way to move forward, I'll transition very slowly back into "normal" foods but I still want a lower than normal carbs in my diet as everything with high carbs seem to be the worse types of food in my opinion, so more than likely ill have red meats, fish, vegetables and low carb alternatives.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Being 26 stone and 7 pounds wasn't a tackle with food it was a tackle with an addiction and habits I had built up over the years especially in the evening time. Its not about lower calories and exercise, its about going cold turkey breaking a habit and re-evaluating your lifestyle.

    I'd agree burning more than you eat to lose weight is the way forward, for people under say 20 stone, when your weight goes above, its obvious the problem goes deeper than just eating food.

    You aren't doing any of that re-evaluating stuff: you plan to do this for 12 weeks, then what??

    The problem is never deeper than just eating food, it is asking yourself why you eat to excess and dealing with those issues. What you describe is to run away from those issues.
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    If you have a food addiction, and food habits, cutting them out completely within a day stops those habits in its tracks and as of this moment the addiction, I wont stop the diet then eat how I used to, no way. Re evaluating I simply mean whats a good way to keep up weight loss and stay healthy. Such as counting calories, exercise and eating healthier foods.

    But I agree its about dealing with the issues which got you to the point to feel the need to go on such diet, what I am not doing is running away I am tackling it head one, the ISSUE was addiction to bad food, its lovely, especially in the evenings watching a movie. That's the issue, there is no underlined personal problem that caused my weight gain.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Congrats on your success so far.

    I'm sorry your first week was so hard. You were probably experiencing an electrolyte imbalance. When you drop carbs your insulin drops and insulin is responsible for retaining water and electrolytes. You lost a lot of sodium with that initial water weight, and that can cause headaches, fatigue, moodiness, bm issues, muscle aches and spasms.

    If your symptoms come back, make sure you are getting 3000-5000 mg of sodium a day. There is 2300 mg of sodium in a tsp of salt, for reference.

    I do wonder why you are planning to increase carbs while still losing. If keto is working for good losses, I wouldn't change things much. As long as you are eating quality meats, eggs and dairy, you will not be low in any micronutrients. Eating veggies, nuts, olives and some fruits, like avocados and olives, will ensure you are fine.

    When, or if, you do add back carbs, go slow. Many will find that adding back the carbs that led to overeating will once again lead to overeating if those foods are not as satiating or led to cravings. LCHF does not need to be temporary if you find it works well and agrees with you.

    Consider joining the Low Carber Daily and Keto MFP groups for more support. Good luck.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited April 2018
    Being 26 stone and 7 pounds wasn't a tackle with food it was a tackle with an addiction and habits I had built up over the years especially in the evening time. Its not about lower calories and exercise, its about going cold turkey breaking a habit and re-evaluating your lifestyle.

    I'd agree burning more than you eat to lose weight is the way forward, for people under say 20 stone, when your weight goes above, its obvious the problem goes deeper than just eating food.

    You aren't doing any of that re-evaluating stuff: you plan to do this for 12 weeks, then what??

    The problem is never deeper than just eating food, it is asking yourself why you eat to excess and dealing with those issues. What you describe is to run away from those issues.

    I agree. But for some, we overeat because a lot of carbs in our diets is not satiating and leads to cravings. For some, reducing carbs is addresseing the issue of why we over ate.
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Congrats on your success so far.

    I'm sorry your first week was so hard. You were probably experiencing an electrolyte imbalance. When you drop carbs your insulin drops and insulin is responsible for retaining water and electrolytes. You lost a lot of sodium with that initial water weight, and that can cause headaches, fatigue, moodiness, bm issues, muscle aches and spasms.

    If your symptoms come back, make sure you are getting 3000-5000 mg of sodium a day. There is 2300 mg of sodium in a tsp of salt, for reference.

    I do wonder why you are planning to increase carbs while still losing. If keto is working for good losses, I wouldn't change things much. As long as you are eating quality meats, eggs and dairy, you will not be low in any micronutrients. Eating veggies, nuts, olives and some fruits, like avocados and olives, will ensure you are fine.

    When, or if, you do add back carbs, go slow. Many will find that adding back the carbs that led to overeating will once again lead to overeating if those foods are not as satiating or led to cravings. LCHF does not need to be temporary if you find it works well and agrees with you.

    Consider joining the Low Carber Daily and Keto MFP groups for more support. Good luck.

    Thanks for that post just what I needed, I didn't question the feelings I had in the first week as I was expecting them, always helpful to know the reason. The tip is spot on with sodium btw thanks!

    I am on on about 50-60g of carbs a day, apparently you are aloud up to 75g to keep yourself in ketosis but other places suggest you must stay under 50g and about 20g for the first week increasing by 10g each week until you find your balance, either way Its still working for me, If I can find "real foods" that keeps me in this state then I will be super happy and that's where research comes in such as the groups you suggested so thank you again. I'm not planning on increasing my carbs but if they increase when I go back to eating I'll try limit it as much as possible.
  • Weight_Loss_Dad
    Weight_Loss_Dad Posts: 52 Member
    bekeeper69 wrote: »
    Go check out Dr. Berg on UTUBE, He has some Insight on Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting. Weight loss Dad

    Thanks for the recommendation will have a look!
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