Strength training



  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    if your "maintenance" is 1610 and you are losing weight, then you aren't at maintenance

    I know I don't know what to put my intake at.

    You haven't mentioned how fast you are losing weight...
    You can manually adjust your goal calories and just bump up 100 at a time if you are just losing slowly.

    Its just very gradual maybe 1 pounds or less in a week.

    1lb a week would mean you have an approximate deficit of 500 cals.

    Sometimes I lose then it goes back up to my previous weight and then back down and then back up. Should I gradually add calories or just add 500 first off?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    if your "maintenance" is 1610 and you are losing weight, then you aren't at maintenance

    I know I don't know what to put my intake at.

    You haven't mentioned how fast you are losing weight...
    You can manually adjust your goal calories and just bump up 100 at a time if you are just losing slowly.

    Its just very gradual maybe 1 pounds or less in a week.

    1lb a week would mean you have an approximate deficit of 500 cals.

    Sometimes I lose then it goes back up to my previous weight and then back down and then back up. Should I gradually add calories or just add 500 first off?

    Only you really know what your weight is doing over an extended period of time.

    If you are fluctuating around the same weight then you are maintaining but seeing totally normal day to day, week to week fluctuations. That's to be expected but the range of those fluctuations is personal and variable.
    If on the other hand you are trending downwards (month on month for example) then you are still in a deficit.

    Maybe one of the weight trending apps like Libra would help you?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    How long have you been strength training and how much have you lost? Have you changed your diet (adding protein, more fibre, etc?).. depending on how it looks it could be some bloating from certain foods involved. Or posture as mentioned is another possibility.

    If you have little fat on your stomach but still aren't seeing definition, then the issue most likely is lack of muscle base. Switching to maintaining and recomping to help build muscle and change your body composition could help.. but maybe if you post a picture we could get a better idea of what you are seeing.

    My maintenance is 1,610 calories and I’m still losing weight. My goal is set to very active and maintenance. I lost 33 pounds. I’ve been strength training for going on 3 months.

    33 pounds?

    Mad, Mad Re5pext.
  • cleesus
    cleesus Posts: 87 Member
    You definitely want to keep in mind that if this is your first time trying to get abs in your life then it could take awhile. You may look funny (to yourself) because you have lost weight in other areas.

    Since you cant seem to post a pictue(you could try hosting it on imgur and adding it here) your body fat percentage would be helpful so we can get a feel of where you are at and if your abs should really be showing.

    Also one of the most important things to building abs is using the proper form. A LOT of people do many ab exercises wrong and end up with marginal results because of it. Also switch up your ab workouts every few weeks if you find what you are doing is too easy.

    There are a few good channels on youtube who can help you learn proper form for exercises