Anyone else just have a baby?



  • jumpdancespinspirit
    Hi, great thread, I’m looking for some motivation and a gentle approach. 16 days post natal with 2nd baby. Pre pregnancy 5’8 and 150 pounds, now 196. Aiming for tracking only until 6 weeks post parturition then 1lb/week, eating 500 calories for feeding. Please add me, x
  • Camanda1
    Camanda1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hoping to bring this thread back. I am two weeks postpartum. I think it’s probably too early to exercise much even though this time I didn’t have to have a c-section. ☀️ I am thinking about getting fit again since I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy, more than I had gained for my first two daughters. I am glad I am on maternity leave from work because I am wearing the same three oversized house dresses every day. I am feeling lumpy and bumpy but trying not to verbalized it too much because I don’t want to pass on skewed body image issues to my young girls. Anyone else out there feeling similarly?
  • Chrysanthemum75
    Chrysanthemum75 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! First of all, congrats on your newborn! Second, I could have written this post myself word for word - I am in the exact same boat. I delivered my daughter on 6/5/18 and working on losing 40lbs. I lost 30lbs in the first 2 weeks after delivery bc I had tons of fluid, swelling, etc and it all left my body fast (otherwise I had gotten up to 212lbs from my original pre-preg weight of 135).

    I’m 43 years old and worry about the part that a slowed metabolism has to play in this equation.

    But...that said, WE’VE GOT THIS, mama!

    I have only been doing light activity until I get cleared from my doctor on the 9th. I’ve been reducing carbs big time and staying hydrated.

    I tried to do a mild workout the other day, and my body was simply not ready. I’m focusing on my food right now and the minute I get cleared, I’m hitting the pool for laps.

  • Camanda1
    Camanda1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! It’s nice to know I am not alone on this journey. I’ll be 40 in autumn so I am also wondering if the weight will come off as easy as previous pregnancies - Usually between 4-6 months. Which won’t help me fit back into my work clothes at 12 weeks! Arg!

    I appreciate you mentioning hydration. Usually when breastfeeding I am all about drinking water. This time I forget to drink until I am so thirsty I drink a ton.

    One of my biggest challenges is keeping my spouse from bring in junk food. I think he got used to my pregnancy demands for chocolate, etc and now he keeps bringing it home. I need to get better at avoiding it. And start tracking my food intake.