I’ve hit rock bottom

Hi ! My names Lucy and I’ve joined MFP because I’m the highest weight I’ve ever been in my life, I’m now qualified as overweight and not that far off obese and I have a place to study dance at college next year so I need to lose some serious weight before September . Today I stepped on the scale and it weighed 14 stone. I couldn’t believe it - almost 200lbs I was devastated ( I understand that everyone has different goal weights etc but for me this was really really not where I personally want to be ). 3 years ago I was 5’10 128lbs and thought I was fat . I hated my body so much I had been starving myself to the point of going three days without eating at one point . Then my body rebelled and I started binging out of control. So so many calories of binges everyday and I’ve gained nearly 70lbs. If anyone has experienced binge eating or overeating and maybe would add me or offer advice of how to stop I would massively appreciate it as it would be wonderful motivation to have some encouragement!


  • alexiswenson
    alexiswenson Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I know it’s really hard but it all comes down to changing your mind set. It isn’t about dieting, it’s about living a healthy lifestyle. I suggest talking with your doctor about what calorie intake and foods you should go for. Feel free to ask me any questions!
  • georginamorahan
    georginamorahan Posts: 1 Member
    I’m totally binging at the moment. After giving up alcohol and drugs I turned to chocolate. I’m 15 stone and 5ft 7.
    My husband is an addict and if he’s been using, I end up getting loads of chocolate and binging. I feel like I’ve lost motivation!

    I did give up sugar for a while which helped... but after two months I caved. It’s so hard.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here’s an excellent resource you can start working through right away.


    I suggest a very gentle deficit of 0.5 pounds per week and concentrate more on logging and eating ENOUGH every day.

    I believe it is the excessive abstention that leads to later bingeing. Love your body to eat enough, and allow treats under control.
  • getmeowthofhere
    getmeowthofhere Posts: 29 Member
    Recovering from bulimia here. I think the hardest part of all of this is overcoming the mental part of all of it. Prior to this last weight gain I would eat maybe tops 1200 calories (averaged more around 800 most days) and then do a minimum of 2 hours at the gym and if i ate more during one od my binge episodes i felt like I had to workout more. I got into my last relationship and the constant verbal abuse caused me to turn to food, put on 70lbs as well. It's hell on the brain coming to terms with the weight gain and body dysmorphia can make seeing progress nearly impossible. I'm down nearly 50lbs from my highest weight and about 30lbs of fat from my goal body fat percent of 16 percent. I found that it was more about changing my mindset than about the actual dieting and working out aspect. I told my self and continuously tell myself that I am going to do it the healthy way this time so that the weight doesn't come back. I've met with a nutritionist to help me understand that yes, my body does actually need that many calories and instead of relying on the scale I take progress pics and get the monthly scan at gold's gym done so that i can see where the weight is actually going so when those negative thoughts do come creeping in i have something physical to show myself that it's not real. I maintain a daily intake off 1900-2100 calories because of how active I am and have accepted that number is not a bad number. It's possible to overcome and you've got this! I'll add you and if you need to talk my inbox is always open (:
  • primalpam
    primalpam Posts: 64 Member
    Where are you from? I'm guessing across the pond from the reference to stones. There is an amazing team of coaches there called Fitter Food. I love following them. You can find them on Facebook and Instagram. Check them out.