Running outdoors vs indoors



  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member

    Allow me to clarify then, all things being equal, one fat out of shape joker versus another equally fat out of shape joker. If they spend equal time running, one on a treadmill, and one outside for say, six months, at the end, if you had them switch places, the one running outside for the six months would find the treadmill easy, while the one who spent the time on the treadmill would find running outside difficult. Which is what the OP is addressing. My post was merely explaining the why, it's not an attack on people who use a treadmill, you can get in great shape using a treadmill, but the two are not equal in any way shape or form, there are muscle groups worked running on the surface of the earth that simply don't get the same workout on a treadmill. Is it still a good cardio workout, absolutely, but it's not the same as running outdoors.


    ..and on the flip side the person who always ran outside would find it just as difficult to run on the treadmill if they switched places. I know this for a fact….from personal experience. Not from GOOGLE or a survey. Anytime you switch from your regular routine you will struggle until you adapt.

    True, to a certain extent, but treadmill running does require less output and a slower glycogen depletion because of the reduced muscle activation, that's just a fact because you're not actually moving the weight of your body.


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Crickets eh?

  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    Crickets eh?


    yeah I'm out. I dont compete with GOOGLE.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Crickets eh?


    yeah I'm out. I dont compete with GOOGLE.

    This. Plus, I know everything I've accomplished and I know everything IronAngel has accomplished. Neither of us needs your validation chief.