``Starvation Mode'' eating back calories ...

Hi Everyone,

I was curious about speeding up the weight loss process. Sometimes I work out more on certain days and I am not really hungry afterwards.. I eat a small snack of nuts or cereal etc, to replenish my body a bit. But, my question would be.. do we really need to eat back ALL to our net daily goal (if we are not hungry). I know this depends on how many calories your goal has allotted you ( if you are aiming to loose 1lb / week you could eat less one day and fall into into the 2lbs/week calorie goal...). If we are truly not hungry , eating rounded meals and snack otherwise and are taking multivitamins are we really throwing our bodies into stavation mode? On one hand I feel that listening to and becoming in tune with your body is key on this journey to healthier living we are commiting ourselves to, if it is hungry (truly hungry) nourish it, if you are full stop eating. On the other I understand how this is a LIFESTYLE change and not a DIET so we should not be restrictive and develop healthy habits that we will be happy to maintain hopefully for many years to come... I know I am not the first person to ask this question, I`d just like some opinions on this.

Thanks guys! Have a great day!


  • beepermad
    beepermad Posts: 198
    I've been wondering this as well.

    Edit: The eating calories back part. I have no interest in starving.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    You should probably be more concerned about developing a healthy relationship with food than "starvation mode"
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I eat when i'm hungry until i'm full. I exercise a lot.. I can't eat back all my calories.. my tummy isn't that big.

    The trainers at the gym balk at me when i tell them how much physical activitiy I do verusus how many calories I eat. So i'm thinking i need to eat more..but i'm not hungry and i feel great.

    I usually hit my macros... so I don't see a problem.

    If you have a healthy mindset and you really listen to your body and you eat enough, you'll be fine. Just don't be afriad to eat more. It really does help
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    Starvation mode takes a while to occur, it happens if, say, a 160lb man lives on 800 calories for a few years. You don't achieve it by undereating by 500 calories for a year or so, your metabolism just gets suppressed by 5% or something like that.

    If you are sure your hunger signals are accurate, then do what you're doing. If you've been under eating for a while, your hunger signals are probably not accurate/steady in which case calculate TDEE and go from there. Some days you will work out a lot and not be hungry much, some days you'll sit in bed and be hungry all the time. That's just how it works... listen to what your body says.