I need of a buddy. 21yo looking to lose 15-20lb

I’m 21 years old and though considered healthy for my weight, I am not confident or comfortable in my skin. Looking to lose 15-20 pounds. Planning to get my diet right first, and then head to the gym. I would prefer someone closer to my age, but all are welcome! Having an actual person I have to tell what I ate is more intimidating than an app, so it will hold me accountable because I cant disappoint an app but I can disappoint another person. Just reply on here or add me and message me!


  • elgeebi
    elgeebi Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there :) I’d love to be your buddy. I have had some issues with binge eating. I used to be an extremely lean athlete last year. I’m now 15kg overweight... eek
    I can feel it creeping on every week, it’s time to turn it around and not overeat mindlessly.

    I’d love to be your support. I know what it takes to lose weight, so we can do it together I gotcha!