Best radio app for the gym

At my gym there are a few TVs, but in order to listen to them you have to tune into a certain radio station. I normally listen to my playlist, but that can get old at times. So which app is the best for tuning into a specific station? I have a first generation ipod touch and a Galaxy 3, so I'm open to both Droid and Apple, but I would prefer to get it on my ipod since my phone doesn't fit into my arm band.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    What about Pandora or Spotify?
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    I'll check out Pandora. Unfortunately Spotify doesn't have a free mobile app. You get a 48 hour free trial and then you have to upgrade to premium if you want to pick your music.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Pandora is good, slacker is okay as well. If you want talk radio or other like stations IHeart radio has an app.

  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member
    TuneIn Radio

    It's all you need. And free. (if you're willing to put up with ads)

    As far as tuning into a specific FM frequency you'd need a phone with an FM receiver in it. I think only the international version of the Galaxy S3 has one.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i use i heart radio app. what i like is what i hate about it at the same time... selection. i usually pick the "perfect for..." tab then choose something that has to do with physical activity...the gym, working outside, stuff like that. then each topic has sub categories and each sub category has four choices of different types of music based on decade or where the music is from, stuff like that. but i've noticed that a lot of it is the same. seems like when i click on "gym music" on monday, when that choice isn't available on tuesday but i click on "work outside" it is pretty much the same playlist. good for when i want to hear the songs that i liked hearing yesterday, bad when i want something of a similar style, but actually different songs.

    having said that, i do like it better than pandora. i listened to pandora for years, but the ads are just getting too frequent for me. who the hell wants to hear ad after ad after ad when i'm trying to bench my personal best?!?!?!?!?!

    curious to see what other people suggest...
  • hdtracy
    hdtracy Posts: 49 Member
    If you want a specific network, iHeartRadio is good :)
  • wwhite72082
    wwhite72082 Posts: 36 Member
    I am a Pandora One Subscriber. I've been using the service for about 3 years now (40 hours per week at work plus listening at home and in my car) and am very happy with it.

    I've used Slacker and but didn't stick with them for very long. Slacker had too many adds and was getting far too repetitive.
  • itsanatalia
    itsanatalia Posts: 56 Member
    I use 8tracks, which allows users to make their own "mixed tapes." I look up workout ones to keep me motivated during the gym, plus since different users create different ones it switches it up.