Last, Last Time! Blast Off...

Wells, fellow Fitters, I am reactivating my Fitness Pal account, my mindset, my goals and ambitions, my commitment to Jesus Christ and every other Good and Worthy thing in my Life! Can I get a big AMEN and many new PALS to join me? Let me tell you what has happened, or part of it, to bring about this change! The last month I have been in a hospital environment more than at home. Suffering from terrible pain, nausea and so weak I could barely stand. I have had more than my share of health issues in the past so I am not a stranger to any of these symptoms, however, this time it was different. Way different. Quite honestly I thought I was dying. After 4 separate trips to ER and being admitted twice, during which I was first diagnosed with reaction to antibiotics, then Trigeminal Neuralgia (called the Suicide Disease due to the unbearable pain) and finally, plain and simple heart failure! Blood clots were forming and lurking around somewhere in the depths of my heart! All is well at preset. I have been home from hospital for 2 weeks and am slowly regaining my strength. I have met with some incredible people and am actively educating myself for life as a PAL. Drastic changes have been called for if I am to continue life as a healthy person. I am working hard to learn and to make those changes. Any Tips and/or encouragement greatly appreciated!

Today Is The 1st Day of The Rest of My Life!


  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,627 Member
    I'm so sorry for all you've been through. I'm glad you're home & on the mend. I worked in a hospital for 15yrs so I saw that from a different angle. How much do you have to lose & will you be able to exercise? Was any of this related to your weight?