Sugar addicts anonymous



  • svel713
    svel713 Posts: 141 Member
    Some people here and elsewhere mentioned having sugar addiction and were diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia. This is an issue that will often look normal in terms of blood sugar on regular fasting blood tests.

    I even had issues and found out years later that reactive hypoglycemia is a thing on my father's side of the family.

    And what worked for me was mostly sticking to "body builder" junk food which is higher in protein and lower in added sugar. Think Quest bars and Pure Protein bars. If they are too expensive, seek bars with 5g or less added sugar and 15g+ added protein. At the worst, I recommend Luna bars as a dessert bar if you can't find anything else.

    Drink protein shakes instead of milk shakes. Optimum Nutrition is the best tasting brand for protein powder that I've found. I've had issues with protein shakes with milk making me a bit hungry, but that stopped when I swapped milk for unsweetened nut milks. Nut milks are conveniently lower in calories compared to regular milk (30 cals for almond vs 120 cals for 2% milk), so that is a plus.

    For ice cream, look for Halo Top, Enlightened, etc. If you do yogurt, eat the light ones and avoid ones with added candy bits.

    For coffee, stick to iced coffee with milk and light sweetener. If you want a frappucino, go to Starbucks and ask for a light frap so that they use the light base. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant so you have a bit more leeway with sugar in coffee.

    And don't be afraid of fresh fruit. You can eat a pound of strawberries for very few calories.