I need advice.

OG43 Posts: 22 Member
So after this week, I've been at the gym everyday for the last month. I was working out before that but my eating habits were terrible before thus month. Now I'm doing pretty good, I'm always under my calorie goal on here, and I work out for at least 40 minutes. When I'm in the mood I can run 3 miles straight.... I know it takes a while to see your body changing but how long?! I'm getting inpatient. I'm not going to quit because I'm very proud if myself for getting this far this time. This month of August I'm not eating any sweets. I just don't kmowmif I'm doing something wrong... Help please


  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Sometimes it can take awhile before we see a level of "acceptable" results. I find that the first month or two is the hardest because you feel like you're making so many changes and sacrifices but not seeing any reward. Surely spending a week feeling like you're starving should allow you to go down a pants size??

    Think about it this way though: In a world where you're not going to lose weight no matter what you do, would you rather go back to eating poorly and/or not exercising and end up feeling bad about it or keep eating well and exercising because of how much better you feel about yourself when you do (even if you are hungry sometimes)?
  • emjean76
    emjean76 Posts: 116 Member
    Keep at it. It will take awhile before you see changes in your body.