Hello from Pittsburgh

ReyJ412 Posts: 12 Member
Hello everyone. I am new to myfitnesspal. I am just getting started with it this week. So far, I love it. I am/was a Samsung Health user and found myfitnesspal as I was searching for a better solution for nutrition and food tracking that what Samsung Health currently has. I am really glad that I found this very cool tool and what looks like a great community and experience here.

Anyway, my name is Rey. I live in Pittsburgh, PA. My nutrition and health plan really started about 11 months ago. I made the choice back then to become vegetarian. I have set a few health goals and have made a few adjustments between then and now. For probably the first 7 months of my transition to vegetarian, I relied almost 100 percent on diet alone for weight loss results.

After about 7 months, I started to gradually add in cardio exercises while also fine-tuning my meal preps and diet. Somewhere after 9 months, I began to get more serious with cardio, working out 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening with a moderate or high activity level. I also walk 20 flights of stairs at work three times a day to hit a target of 60 flights per weekday. I have very recently begun to add weight lifting and strength training.

When I first started my plan, I weighed in at about 225lbs @ 6 feet tall. I am now at 183.4lbs...and still 6 feet tall :smiley: . My initial weight target was 180lbs with the idea that by the time I got there, I would be more into weight training. My target now though is more related to percent body fat than weight. I have a guesstimate fat percentage of 25% body fat right now. That estimate is based solely and unscientifically on looking at pictures of body types in literature and matching the closes one to mine and correlating their identified body fat percentage to my own.

Thanks for reading my introduction and I hope to be involved here going forward.
