Teen girls around 5ft5?

It would be great to be friends with girls who are around the same height (or weight) as me as it would definitely motivate me more!


  • Well, I'm 5'6" and looking to lose about 25-30 pounds! :) Message me or add me or anything, if you want! :D
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    Hi, I'm Amirah, and I'm 18 years old. I'm 5'6 and want to lose about 30 pounds

    P.S I love your name :)
  • Hey there,
    I am 18 and 5'6". I am also looking for some support. I have tried to loose weight before and have even tried MFP. I have lost about 12 pounds since December (155ish to about 143ish). I have been counting calories off and on since then but I would really like to get down to 127-130. I know that this is a lofty goal but I sincerely enjoy long distance running (ran my first 5k in March and loved it!). I feel like being slimmer would make this more enjoyable and easier. I am excited to start:)
  • tnpxx
    tnpxx Posts: 335 Member
    Sent you a friend request. I'm 19 and 5"4' with 90 pounds to lose before I turn 20 next June (: I'm a pretty active MFP member so anyone feel free to add me as well (:
  • 5'5 trying to loose 50 pounds (: