Looking for Friends!

PersevereLyn Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! My About Me basically boils down everything about my lazy, college student life; so, I'm just going to be even lazier and paste it here instead of trying to come up with a new one. :tongue: I'm looking for some MFP friends so that I can keep myself motivated since I'm a fairly competitive individual (Even though you wouldn't guess it just by looking at me, haha). If you'd like to be buds, go ahead and send a friend request over! :smile:

I'm a 20 year old engaged female college student residing in the bipolar state of Alabama. Currently, I am working on my Bachelor's of Science - Animal Sciences Equine Option degree, but then I hope to continue my academic journey by either pursuing a Master's of Science first and then going to veterinary school to become a mixed animal veterinarian.

At home, I have my own personal herd, including: my fiance, Sandy (Dog), two unnamed hamsters, a milksnake named Milkshake/Danger Noodle, and 16 fish (All of which have names, but I won't go there....).

Also just wanted to add that the "Reins" in my username is not misspelled. It stands for my deep love of horses, so it is a bit of a pun I suppose.