New Member with New Attitude for Success

Hi there,

Of all the sites on the Internet that promises to help you lose weight and keep it off; I stumbled upon this site not by surfing the Web but from the App Store on my iPhone. Funny isn't it. I was looking for something that would track my food intake; then I found the myfitnesspal App. I thought how cool that it tracks the exercise routines too. I started my daily food and exercise entries yesterday (7/12/10) and I feel this will be a good fit for me.

I've tried many and I do mean many programs and I realized something; that it all comes down to me, not the programs that will help me to be fit and healthy. I am the one that over indulged with the comfort food. And the older I get, the harder and longer it is to take off. I've realized that certain foods just do not agree with my digestive system; I felt lazy with no energy to do anything. So I cut those foods from my eating habits. I work with an exercise regime that best fits me so that I won't give up on it so quickly. I do what I enjoy doing so that it doesn't feel like a chore all the time.

I need something that tracks everything I eat and do. This site seems to be the answer. Good luck to other newbies and oldies as well!!


  • marybethbeech
    I found the site from the iPhone ap as well and it has worked great for me so far. Good luck!
  • monkeyfood
    monkeyfood Posts: 106
    Welcome :)
    I found the site like you did.. but my friend actually referred me to it.
    Good luck with your Journey.

    I just started today as well.
  • iambrandice
    iambrandice Posts: 157 Member
    I found this site a while ago and when I stick to the plan and log my food, it really helps! It helped me for a while even when I didn't have access to a computer because after logging food for so long, I learned how many calories everything had and I could just guess and count my calories without logging them. However, you have to stay committed and remember to log your food every day! It is so motivating to see your own progress when you weighin and see that you've lost weight and that you really can do this! It is also motivating to see that progress that others have made. You can see the trackers in each person's signature that shows that people are almost done with their goals or have lost more than 50 pounds by sticking with it! So stay dedicated and good luck with your goal!! :)