5 week weight loss challenge

NeneHilliard Posts: 3 Member
Start by logging in your starting weight and goal weight.
Each day log in at least one of your meals/snacks and your weight. This will hold you more accountable than a weekly weigh in.
Share your healthy recipes, awesome workouts and anything else to help motivate others.


  • NeneHilliard
    NeneHilliard Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2018
    23 Apr 2018
    SW: 153
    GW: 143

    BF: dannon light and fit Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup blueberries, 3 strawberries and 2 egg whites

    My morning started off with a 45 minute leg workout followed by 30 mins on stair master.

    I am ready to lose this fluff