
I just realized that I never introduced myself before posting a little. I've been registered with myfitnesspal for a couple years now but didn't get super serious until around this past December-January. I lost 45 lbs with Weight Watchers in '09 (and promptly gained it all back after a brutal plateau). I haven't been in "one-derland" since maybe the year 2000. It's time. I'm in my early 30s, we may want to have a kid....I need to get healthy. And I want to live a long healthy life with the man I adore.

I got married in April '12 and almost cried when I saw our pix. And then I started a new job literally the day after we got home from the honeymoon and gained another 7 lbs, officially getting to my highest weight ever. I have been working with a trainer for 3 years and ignored everything she told me to do. Now, I try to get my cardio in when I don't see her, give her strong workouts, and print out my food diary here weekly for her to go over while I do my warmup. I may have lost the weight in '09, but I wasn't doing the proper exercising, so it hung weirdly. Now I'm starting to get a waist, my back is defined, my collarbone is coming back, and I can actually jog now. I just got a Fitbit Zip, which holds me accountable, (and the reports are fascinating) and a food scale which made me realize that my eyeballing with meat and pasta is totally off.

I feel amazing, and I really have to thank this website for its simple and foolproof formula. I feel so good knowing I'm not popping out $20/month to be told to either eat nothing but "power foods" or stuff loaded with additives and aspertame to stay within points. I'm probably going to have to track my calories for a long time post goal, but that's ok. You can live and enjoy and eat, but everything's in moderation. I don't deprive myself, I just teach myself how to have a small portion or to just wait another day if my limit is being hit.

So, anyway, hi everyone!