
Avocado_Angel Posts: 2,362 Member
How on earth do you start disciplining a 17 year old lad? He rallies against discipline but he needs some in his life I'm afraid that if I don't then it's going to impact his life negatively. He's my brother and I'm his guardian, he also seems to have a mild depression, makes up stories and tells lies. He isn't doing anything with his life apart from video games and internet or being at his girlfriend's house.

I have told him that if he lies to me again I'm going to cut the internet off. He didn't act too bothered but I can't have him sitting on the internet all day or playing video games. My worry is that he'll say he's depressed and the internet is all he wants to do, like he'll turn the discipline into just something that's unfair. I just don't know what to do. It seems cutting the internet is my only option and trust me I have waited this one out hoping he would change. Anyone in a similar situation ?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If he's had no discipline until now then at 17 years of age it's probably too late.

    The worst thing you can do is threaten something and not follow through with it though.

    Has he been to the doctor about his depression, I don't know of many who would diagnose the internet to help...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Tough call not knowing the circumstances. But, I would cut off all economic support. No phone, no cable, no gas money.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Tough call not knowing the circumstances. But, I would cut off all economic support. No phone, no cable, no gas money.

    I spoke to a teacher at his school today, this lady deals with trying to help the pupils find work, courses etc. I told her my plan to cut off the internet and her opinion is (she has trained as a councillor) that it's a bad idea to remove internet cos it might be his only way of actually connecting with people and staying in touch and not totally isolating himself. I can see what she means but I also think the internet is a route cause of his doing nothing and lying about the bedroom. If he had no internet surely he would have to start doing something else ? I guess I'm just hoping it would be something positive that he moves into. I guess I'm just venting and looking for opinions cos I just feel trapped and not sure what to do. I will work it out.

    It's your house, internets on for 2 hours 7 till 9pm. Before/after that time, entertain yourself another way.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    What is his motivation to change?
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    Change the internet to the slowest one being offered in your area. It will still allow him human contact through things like e-mail but will sour cyberloafing activities like gaming.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    Dose he have a job ?

    Nah he's doing nothing at all and constantly throws away oppertunity to do anything. He's had many chances to do things and just walks away. Seems he just wants me to wipe his backside, chill out with his chick or lounge around. All while looking amazing. Iv truely had enough of his manipulative *kitten*.

    You need to have him get a job and learn how to manage money .
    Have him help you with the bills .

    You have to tell him get a job or move out if you don't he's going to be a free loader for the rest of his life .

    When baby birds get to big the mother bird kicks the baby bird out of the nest .

    Asking him to leave the house is something that I can't take lightly I think I'm probably worried that there will be raised eyebrows at me putting him out when he 'doesn't feel well' or that he will hate me for it cos his attitude is one of its my duty to look after him, especially as his parents are dead to put it bluntly. But in reality I think having to survive for himself would be good for him cos I think he's in some sort of bubble thinking he is justified to sit around my flat doing nothing apart from a few dishes now and again.

    I think part of the problem is his over all attitude about what he feels entitled to and I think he takes living in my flat for granted. I looked at it that putting a roof over his head as my basic task when I took him on as his guardian so I think that's why I feel uneasy taking it away. But if his attitude doesn't improve I will need to for my own sanity and to teach him a life lesson.

    As for getting a job and helping with bills, I am struggling to see that happening. I have told him he needs to get something especially when he gets to 18 as my financial situation will change. So he is well aware of the implications of him doing nothing and having no income and that he has a part to play, if he takes that on board is entirely another thing.

    raised eyebrows from whom?
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    It is hard, because as your bf said, you aren't his mother, but on the other hand you are in a position where you need to act, at least partially, like one. I am sure that is very difficult.

    From your responses so far I am wondering what "fine things in life" he is enjoying and where he is getting the money for that. If it is from you, that is where I would start. There may be a middle ground here. You live here, and I will feed you basic food. But new clothes, going out anywhere, dates with the girl, whatever are all on him if they aren't already.

    I am guessing some sort of assistance you are getting for caring for him will stop when he turns 18? Can you put together a budget of expenses, show him how that money helps now, and show him what he will need to contribute to make up for it when his birthday rolls around?

    I would also start preparing for the money situation to change. Sorry kid, selling your gaming station and putting the money away to help cover the gap when the time comes. Anything else he is enjoying that isn't essential to life, yup, sell it and put the money in savings. If he wants it he can either buy it from you, or buy another one once he has the money. You know the change is coming, so getting prepared now will be just as beneficial to you as him. Even if you struggle to make him change, don't allow him to take you down with him.

  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    Seek professional help.