You Never Regret a Workout...



  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Just "not feeling it" and doing it anyways? Never regretted one of those, even if I didn't particularly enjoy it.

    I think I'm pretty good about listening to my body though, and there are definitely times when I just feel like I need a break. Maybe I'll do something else that is active, but not a workout persay, but there are days and times when a regular workout seems like a bad idea.

    Shoot, I've even had those days where I show up to the gym, and half way through my workout, even after pushing through that initial "ugh" decided that NOPE, not happening, and called it a day. I don't regret the workout I did, but I don't regret calling it an early day, either.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited April 2018
    I regretted my ride today. I didn't check the weather and when I went out it was a little breezy but nice. Winds kicked up about half way through and I had a good 25-30 mph head wind coming back and the start of a sand storm. We're now in a high wind warning until 3am Friday.

    I should know better with spring here...but I checked it yesterday and high wind wasn't in the forecast, so I thought it would be fine...not fine at all. I'm still digging sand out of everywhere.