How do I lose these last 12 pounds!

ehlexa Posts: 5 Member
I'm 28, 5'4, blessed with big boobs and *kitten*, and I weigh 141-143.

I've been struggling for a couple of weeks trying to lose the last 12 pounds. I've restricted my diet a lot and have stopped drinking and eating carbs! I'm doing a lot of cardio. An hour-two hours every day now for the past week. I'm also including a little weight lifting.

I used to drink a loooottttt of alcohol and eat out a lot but I decided to change that about 4 weeks ago. I was at 154. Now that I'm at 141 I just really want to be down to 130 before my trip to Europe which is May 21st! Can I lose 10 pounds in 30 days? I know its not considered healthy but I'm just doing it this one time. If you can give me some advice please do. If not then disregard this discussion. Thanks!

Also, I weigh myself almost everyday. Just for motivation. I understand water weight can make you fluctuate. This past week its been 141, next day 143, next day 142, next day 143. How long does it take to stop the fluctuating and to actually see a real loss on scale.I guess it only been one week tho-Maybe Im being too impatient!? I should definitely be under 140 tho, especially after the workouts I did these past several days. I did the math. Is my body just holding on to a bunch of water weight right now? When is it gonna let go!!? lol I drink miso soup all the time..maybe its the sodium?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Couple of just started a bunch of exercise, so you're going to hold onto water. A lot of exercise causes inflammation and with inflammation comes water.

    Are you already in a substantial diet deficit and then doing a bunch of exercise on top of that? That's going to be a major stress on the body and raise cortisol levels which will inhibit fat loss and cause water retention.

    Thirdly, it's been a week...unless you're massively overweight, you're not going to see much happen in a week.

    Fourth, women have more hormonal stuff going on than men which can cause all kinds of fluctuations on the scale.

    Your body weight is always going to fluctuate up and down...weight loss and weight management in general is a trend over weeks and months. 10 Lbs in 30 days may not be particularly realistic for your stats.
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    I don’t want to burst any bubbles but I don’t think you’re going to get the answers you want to hear. The extremes you are going to are just that and if we’ve learned anything about wholesome weight loss, it’s best to follow sustainable methods.

    Enter stats into MFP, get a food scale and weigh/track to ensure you reach your calorie goal. Exercise as you please, but within reason. Excessiveness will likely lead to burnout. Set a realistic weight loss goal to prevent muscle loss and be consistent. The number on the scale will likely never be one stagnant number. You can weigh yourself daily and at the end of the week look at the average. Then week to week you can see the trends.

    Again, I know it’s not the quick fix you are looking for, but the quick fixes just turn into long term problems.
  • ahilton1992
    ahilton1992 Posts: 49 Member
    Losing 12 pounds when you're at 141-143 is about 8% of your body weight in 30 days or less.
    Anything is possible but it will definitely be tough.. and not healthy.. but if you know that and are okay with it, then that's perfectly fine.
    Sodium will definitely make you retain water. I'd cut out the miso soup.. just no reason for it.
    Try doing your cardio first thing in the morning (if you can) on an empty stomach - that should give you a tiny fat loss boost. You don't have much time so every tip and trick will help.